Catnip with a bite

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Even though Jin wolf is actually in charge I'm going to leave it as Jin Pov so that incase in the future people don't keep tract of who is in charge of Jin body at the moment. They will at least know that its the same character... kind of.


Okay. So mates mom just snap us into another room and I can't shift to save my self right now. Trying to control the need to panic starting to fail.

"So let me tell you why your mates are not like other shifters before you have a panic fit." She said as she plop herself onto a giant cushion. When she took off the coat she was wearing that was more of like a trench coat if I think about it She had these purple markings on her arms and shoulders. It look as if they were stripes but when I step closer the marking looked to a bunch of moving curling swirls.

I have never seen anything like it.

"Step back pup and enjoy a cushion. As adorable as I find your naughty tail I still like my own personal space and will swipe at you." She said as she glared at me when I took another step closer. Such an odd female. She reminds me of that cat Jin used to keep at the book shop.

The thing only is they like people for a short time and then claws at you when you stick around to long. I never like that thing. Stupid thing, that cough up hair balls and chase after rats, and not caring what it went threw. I felt a hit to my stomach but it was so soft and yet strong at the same time. It didn't make since but it was the only way to describe it.

 I landed on a big cushion that was like the one my mates mother was on.

"So first off my Name is Bertha and I am pride queen and ex-Luna to the pack your meant to be running with my sons." She glared at me at the end.  Queen? Cubs? Is she a cat shifter of some sorts? I remember one that my dad told me that cat shifters can be possessive of their children. But thanks to what is happening with Jin we haven't been the ideal mates for her sons. The whimper that slip out was not in my control. I can feel the love for our mates that Jin has it just misdirected.

"I'm sorry there is something wrong with us, I meant me." I said hanging my head.

"It okay little pup. Believe it or not I was worst when I met the boys fathers. It didn't help that I was taller then my three mates as well. But they sure made it up for it when it came to mating." She was purring.

Okay I don't need to know how she made my mates, though I do find it interesting that my mates parents are like us.

"Is this common for this pack to have three males to one female? Even though my pack has been fighting this pack since before I was born, I never knew that there were three Alphas before my mates." I ask leaning forward.

"No, Its not common for wolves. But it is very common for felines. It has been this way for my family for generations. It was a shock to everyone that wolves where mate to a tiger shifter. Since my boys are the first of their kind to be hybrids of species that naturally hate each other. Me and their fathers used to worry if they would have mates or a mate at all." She got this really concentrated look on her face as she lay on her back stretching out on to the huge cushion.

"But if we hate each other so much how did you guys become mated?" I ask since it was the first thing that came out of my mouth with out thinking.

"My sneaky mates used some strong cat nip that was modified to look like regular flowers. They quickly found out that it would make feline go into crazy heat, but their were some really bad side affects on my mates." She said as she began to stretch and roll over again.

"What kind of side effects?" Wondering if I should be concern about this in the future for both my mates and my human self that is sleeping.

"Some side effects would be weakening, slowness in responding, some would hallucinate from the plant effects and that were only on wolves. On Felines it would be a power house aphrodisiac, I did most of the work at first the first time I mated my boys. But in the end I was the one begging them to stop." The purr she made this time was much louder then before and she had this relaxed look on her face that made me kind of jealous.

But the way she described the effects reminds me of what was first happening when Dean brought those cursed flowers. Then it hit me. They must be the same .

 "Can you please tell me what they look like? What color where they? Can you describe the smell?What did they do with the flowers that they made?" I ask feeling a little freak out right now.

"Well I thought you knew what they look like darling. Considering I can smell traces of it on you. It does smell like it was modified a bit. I thought that was how your were able to get my sons to care for you even though you are such a terrible mate." She glared at me using one elbow t prop her self to look at me with a glare.

"Oh no." 

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