Hell of a swing.

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Hey! Sorry its been so long since I update this story but I want y'all to know that I will put in more effort to get more chapters up. I may have to go back and do some revisions tho. But I hope everyone enjoys this update.

Ceaser Pov

I wanted to give her a hug and beg for her forgiveness but when I looked at her it was like seeing her for the first time again.

My wolf was going bat shit crazy for some reason but I didn't care! I just wanted to hold her and just hang on to her. I could feel the same from my brothers but I felt a heavy dose of lust as well. It was like she became ten times more beautiful from just waking up. I have no idea it was even possible but our mate makes it possible.

"How are you feeling beautiful? " Her eyes widen as she gasp like she was in wonder of something. I was getting worried until she kissed me like there was no tomorrow, sending a shock through my system like never before.

That wonderful tingly feeling and sparks I get from when we first met  was ten times better. I couldn't even hold my self back from  taking over the kiss and tried pinning her down. The smell of her arosal making me ache to get it on with out my brothers.



Crap  shake!

I need to....Um.....lord save me now! All thought went out the window when she wrapped her leg around me and began to grind against my aching manhood. Her moans are just so sexy and makes me wishI could mount her here and now.

"Ceaser! How is our mate doing? Did she wake up yet?" In walk Tituse reading intensely some kind of file. I was just enjoying the fact that our mate was lavishing me with affection like nothing that felt any better. Kisses all over my neck running her hand every where she can reach on me.

"Trust me brother. Baby, take a look over at your other mate just ignoring how wonderful you are."Baby girl gave a soft growl as she snuggled up to me.

"Come join us." Jin purred before she return back to planting little kisses on me again and grind her hot pussy against my cock making me groan.

Damn girl.

Titus eye snapped at us the moment I even mentioned Jin he was locked in position with wonder in his eyes and lust radiating off of him.  His mind was scrambling through our mind link like as if he had no idea wither to speak or to link me. Baby held out her hand for him as she continue to place her affection on me. 

I didn't even register the moment he came next to  when I began to plant kisses on her tantalizing neck right on the mark. The bastured shoved me right off our girl and I growled at Tituse my great fricking displeasure at being separated from our sexy mate. But before I could go over and let him really know how I felt, the papers he had in his hand as before he could even get into really making out with our mate.

It was the paper that showed the blood work! I ripped the file out of his hand quickly read the results of what is going on with our girl as well the papers of the flower samples that we sent some of our wolves to go our to snag from those Hunters.

All result showing from blood taken after showed only show faint traces of the flowers in her blood stream. Chemical make up the plant familair for some reason. It was like something I have seen before but I just for the life put my finger on it.

Even my wolf in me was standing to attention.

"Brothers Grab Jin and hurry and meet at the medical wing. Our fathers are here and Dad may have figure something out that can save our mate." Atticuse thunder into the room in a flurry of movement with out even glancing at our mate or Titus who is currently making out with our mate like there in back of a car.

I yank him right off our mate and gave him a shot in the ribs when he tried to take a swing at me. Our sexy minx growled and tried to swip at me from taking away from her pleasure. Yet as angry she looked lust was still heavy in her eyes and her scent was calling to me.

"Sorry baby. We got to go get you fixed up." I groaned as she ran her my stomach.

Hot damn.

"No. Stay." Jin pouted with those full wonderful lips.

"Well aren't you'll a randy bunch." Chuckled a deep voice.

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