Need to relieve some stress

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Tituse POV

"Well Cuz I believe its your turn." Purred out Alex.

I can't believe mom brought back our cousins from three of the extended prides. She brought back three who are tiger shifters, two that are lion, One panther, and the twin Saber tooth tigers.

I hated sparing with Alex and his twin brother Xela, big hard basterds. Since they were of the ancient shifter bloodline they tend to make jewelry out of the few big kills they make and have these tattoos on their biceps that also ad to their feel of being primal. They were the biggest shifters I have ever seen. It makes me regret jerking them around when we were small and were the smallest of us all. Recently they pick up on the fashion of some kind native American clothes, in stead of feathers its fur.

"I think you hit him to hard there brother. We may have to call Aunt or maybe their pack healer to fix him. Remember Aunt said not to break any bones this time." Chuckle Xela as he leaned on his brother with a smirk on his face.

I charge at them with out second thought, punching them as hard as I could and trying to dodge their swings. They kept laughing at me as one grabbed me and threw me at his brothers where he punch me in the throat. the pain made it so hard to breath .

"Tituse!" Wheezed out my brothers as they also drop on the mat.

"Damn it you ass-holes! You could have almost killed them!" Snarled Conner, our panther cousin shifter.

"You guys are suppose to remember that these are aunt Bertha boys. Do you want her to skin you alive for training to rough with them?" Growled out Chester one of the Lion shifters.

Me and my brothers kept coughing, trying to breath in as much air as possible into our lungs, if we weren't shifters I'm sure we would be in the damn hospital or dead.

"If Aunt Bertha Left them to train with us like our fathers agreed then they would be able to take on the basic strength of a real punch in the throat from a saber. Instead we now have to do over time training." Growled out Alex.

I was able to breath now but it was still painful and I didn't trust my voice to speak yet, o I glared at them.

"You know its true. Hell we all know its true. We also know that this training is has a high chance of dyeing because the triplets are so tied together." Shrugged Xela as he glared back at me.

"That's enough boys! You know it is tradition that training is done to the point of blood and breaking. That is how the strong will rise and the weak will fall. We all have done the training and are now going through it now. Instead of feeling like immature little cubs you should feel honored that one of the most well know pride queen has step forward to have us train them. Unless you want to be just like the ones who trained us and made you feel worthless till the end of their days? Do you want to be remembered as such terrible mentors that no one will trust you near any cubs or seek your guidance for skills? Because I know for a damn fact that is the highest honor in your pride." Snapped Alice as she growled and glared at the twins.

Alice was considered the runt of the tiger pride but then she proved herself when it came to the great games that happen once every ten years. She took the title for the best huntress and was considered the wises when she was able to bring in such great wealth to the prides when she was able to figure out ways to create a business that is suitable for her shifters that were challenged in joining the humans way of life.

The shitty part was that they were all right. Our mother brought them all here to speed train us in the way that she was. Wolves thought they had hard training but nothing beats the felines shifters.

I wish Love was here me and my brothers missed her and it was starting to hurt not being with her. Giving the signal that we were done for the day me and my brothers head out of the training room so that we could get cleaned up to see our mate.

"Mates? Where are you? I have something to tell you." Said Love as she entered into the males showers.

I was shocked! We were still cleaning our selves in the showers and she just walk in! With knowledge that she was so close by drove my arousal through the roof. The strong wave of my brothers lust almost drove me mad, when I turned my head to look at them their eyes were black showing all the lust and primal desire they were feeling for her right now.

Ii was a very good thing that we took a hot shower because everything was missed to the point of almost not being able to see clearly. We quietly moved toward the sounds our mate was making, she couldn't have sense us since we were able to hid our selves so well. Bless the almighty that she was wearing a big thin white shirt. the steam was making it see through and it made our beast go nuts. I step in front of her and she gasp that I was standing there in my most natural form and then scent of her arousal perfume the team in the air.

We must have her!

Well people it about to get steamy in here. lol I made a pun. But if you want the hot and heavy stuff comment below that you want it next chapter.

You are all awesome thanks for reading and vote.

All so if you got free time check out this cool I love there stuff and I think you guys will too. till next time

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