Chapter 1: Life in District 12

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Life's been different ever since the games. Everything's changed.

We've moved into the Victor's Village, where we have a nice house, something that doesn't exist in the Seam. There are almost 100 houses here in the village, but only three are occupied and the rest are vacant. I don't understand why the Capitol takes the money and initiative to build all these extra houses, but not houses for the poor.

People are coming to our house by noon, so Mother and I tidy up the place. Reporters, the camera crew, Effie Trinket, my prep team, Cinna, and a few more Capitol people are coming. Because of this, the games are impossible to forget.

I wish I could just pretend it never happened, that it was all just a bad dream, but it doesn't happen. I wake up from nightmares, and Katniss will hug me and comfort me until I fall back asleep. It's not just the nightmares and the new house that keep the games real, but the Victory Tour. The Victory Tour is placed strategically between the annual games- to keep them fresh. During the tour, the victor, or in this case victors, need to go to the other districts and deliver short speeches. And also face the families who've lost their child- and that could be because of me.

Shortly after Mother and I finish fancying up the house, Katniss returns home from the woods. Then Katniss and I walk to the Hob. Katniss informed me that people at the Hob gathered money- to send sponsor gifts to Peeta and me. The people at the Hob barely have enough money to live off of. The fact that they gave up part of it, for us, means so much.

"Welcome back, Prim," Greasy Sae tells me as Katniss and I pass by their stall.

"Prim! Great job, and welcome back," Darius, a peacekeeper tells me.

"I-It's good to see you again," Rory tells me as he fidgets with his hands. Rory is Gale's 13 year old brother, and he's my best friend.

"You too," I tell him and pull him in for a short hug then release him. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink, and I start to wonder what's up with him.

"Hey Prim! Nice to see you again," Gale says as he joins up with a very quiet Rory.

"Nice to see you too," I answer. Katniss and Gale start to talk, and I turn back to Rory.

"'s it been while I was gone?" I ask in an attempt to start a conversation.

"It was okay," Rory says with a shrug, continuing to fidget with his hands. He's being taciturn, and he won't even look up at me. This isn't the Rory I used to know.

"You're acting...different," I tell him with a frown. "What's up with you?"

Rory takes in a deep breath and finally looks up, but to face Gale and not me.

"It's Gale, he's been upset lately."

"Why? Why's he upset?"

"Well, you know how he and Katniss are, were, the bestest friends and everything, hunt together, that kinda stuff. Right?" He starts and I nod.

"Since Gale turned 19, he's been doing a lot of mining, so he only gets Sundays to meet with Katniss. And Katniss does save her Sunday's for Gale, and they meet up together in the woods, but..."

"But what?" I ask and Rory sighs.

"But Katniss's been hanging out with Peeta all the other days, and when Gale found out, he got really upset and...he can't hunt when he's upset. We haven't had a decent meal for days," Rory finishes, and finally looks up at me.

"," I respond, I really don't know what to say. "How about we go over to Greasy Sae's, and I'll buy you some soup."

"Wow, thanks Prim, that would be nice."

"Anything for my friend Rory," I say as I link arms with him and take him over to Greasy Sae's.

After the visit to the Hob, Katniss and I walk over to Haymitch's house next door and find him sleeping.

"Wake up Haymitch! Haymitch, wake up! It's tour day," I shout but he doesn't wake up. I look around to see if there is a pot I can bang- but fail. Instead I find a bucket and fill it with water, and poor it over his head. Haymitch wakes up and starts swinging a knife, which just happened to be laying in his hand, and starts to curse.

"Why am I wet?!" he exclaims, his face in a deep frown.

"You wouldn't wake up, and you told me to wake you up an hour before the cameras come," I explain with a shrug.

The door opens and Peeta comes. He has some bread, which he places on the table for us to share. I have my share of bread as Katniss and Peeta talk together, they became great friends and maybe they're something more. Soon after, Katniss and I go home.

"Did you have a nice walk?" Mom asks as soon as we set foot in the house.

"Walk?" Katniss responds. We've been at the hob, not for a wa- then I notice the people behind us. Capitol people.

"It wasn't a walk, more like skating with all the ice," I recover with a small laugh. Mom takes in a sharp breath.

"Someone came to see you," Mom tells me,

"Did Cinna come early with my outfit?" I guess, as I try to act oblivious to the Captiol people standing behind my back. Then I feel a small nudge from them as they take me into my own house.

"It's just probably more instructions for the Victory Tour," Mom whispers, in attempts to comfort me.

The man leads me down the hall to the study, where he leaves me to walk in on my own.

I take a deep breath as I put my hand on the door knob, turning it slowly as I give the door a small push. I step inside to be welcomed with a strong scent. Roses and blood. Then I notice someone in the room, his back facing towards me. All I see is his white hair. Then he turns around, and I see his snake green eyes. Snow.

~A/N~ Don't worry, the cover isn't the real thing. It's temporary, until the real one get's made. I just couldn't wait another week. The new THGP cover is temporary too, I just wanted it to match this one. I have a few chapters written, edited, and ready to go. Here's the first. Tell me how I did, and remember to click the star! 


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