Chapter 2: Small Talk

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Perhaps it's the fact that President Snow is in our house that makes me feel nervous, or maybe it's just the overwhelming scent of roses and blood.

His snake green eyes land on my pale blue eyes, and I stand motionless.

"Let's just make this easier by making a small promise," he starts. "No lying to each other, what do you think?"

I seem to have lost my ability to talk, because no words come out of my house. So instead I give a small nod. President Snow smiles and I notice his thin pseudo lips.

He then proceeds to seat himself at a large desk made of polished wood- where I do my homework and Mother figures out her budgets. There's a chair in front of the desk, so I seat myself, only to find my feet dangling in the air, from the height of the chair

"I have a problem, Miss Everdeen," President Snow starts. "It all started when you pulled those berries out," pause "If Seneca had any brains, he should have blown you to dust right then. But instead he spared your lives, unfortunately. Can you guess where our dear Seneca is now?"

By the way President Snow talks, it's pretty evident that Seneca Crane- head gamemaker- has been executed. The smell of roses and blood starts to reek, and it starts getting to my head. Resulting in dizziness.

"Most of the districts have seen your little trick as an act of rebellion. And if a 12 year old girl from District 12 can get away unharmed, what is to prevent, uprising?"

At first I don't get the things he is telling me then it hits me.

"There have been uprisings?" I ask, a bit ambivalent about it happening.

"No no, not yet. [But it is very possible if things don't change. And everyone knows uprisings lead to revolution. Do you have any idea what that would mean? How many people would die? What conditions those left would have to face? Whatever problems anyone may have with the Capitol, believe me when I say that if it is released its grip on the districts for even a short time, the entire system would collapse."] (p. 21 lines 21 through 29)

I'm...overwhelmed with his sincere speech, concerning with the welfare of Panem.

Then there's a sudden knock, an open door, and a head coming in through the gap. It's the Capitol man, and he says, "Her mother wants to know if you want tea."

"I would like some tea," President Snow answers, then Mother comes in through the door. She's carrying a tray with a [china tea set she brought to the Seam when she married. There's a china tea pot and cups, cream and sugar, and a plate of cookies. They are beautifully iced with softly colored flowers. The frosting work can only be Peeta's.] (p. 22 lines 17 through 20)

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Everdeen. It's funny that the people forget that the president needs to eat too," President Snow chuckles.

"Would you like anything else? I could cook something more substantial if you are hungry," Mother offers.

"No no, this is perfect, thank you," President Snow replies as he dismisses her. Mother leaves the room and the president and I are once again left alone.

He pours tea for the both of us, then follows by filling his own with cream and sugar, then stirring it slowly.

"I-I didn't mean to start any uprisings."

"I believe you, but that doesn't matter. Your stylist Cinna turned out to be prophetic in his wardrobe choice. Primrose Everdeen...the girl on fire. You've provided a spark that has been left unattended, and it could grow into something that destroys Panem."

"What do I have to do?" I ask in attempts to get to the point, minimize all other small talk.

"If only it were that simple," Snow hisses as he lifts one of the flowered cookies. "Lovely, did you mother make these?"

"Peeta made them," I answer.

"Peeta. How is Peeta?"


"Those berries, why did you pull them out?"

"I-I can't live without Katniss, and I can't just kill Peeta. We',"

"Well some people are skeptical," short pause "you do realize, Peeta, Katniss, and you must be like a family, for everyone to be convinced the berry incident was for the greater good?"

"Yes, I do."

"And also that Mr. Mellark and Ms. Everdeen number two, which is your sister, have to portray two lovers?"


"Katniss and Peeta are portraying two lovers, haven't you watched the games?"

"Yes-yes I have-"

"Then you must understand Ms. Katniss Everdeen and Mr. Mellark are to be in love. That means, Ms. Katniss Everdeen is not to go off into the woods with Mr. Hawthorne, or have anything going on between them!"

"Y-yes I'll make sure Katniss get's the message."

"This tour is your only chance of redemption. For you, for Peeta, and for Katniss. If you fail...tsk tsk. All your loved ones will be gone. Where should we start? Peeta and Katniss of course, your Mother, Gale...Rory..."

Just watching him tick off these people- giving a death threat- and the fact that he knows the people I hold close. That just scares me half to death.

"Whatdowehavetodo?" I ask in a rush, when he starts to leave the room.

"Convince me."

~A/N~ I know the first two chapters are pretty short, but they'll get longer as the story continues. I've really failed to make Prim's conflict as big as Katniss' in the original story but oh well. Tell me how I did, and press the star? Thanks!


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