Chapter 11: 2 Peacekeepers 1 Lie

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Do they know we're in the woods?

Why is the electricity on?

Are they trying to press charges against us? Trap us in the woods? Or perhaps hoping we die out in the wilderness?!

Millions of questions go through my head, of which none are answered. But what they're trying to do doesn't matter, there's only one thing we need to do. And that's getting back inside the fence, unseen, as if we've never left.

But how?

Under the fence is not an option, it's risky, since we could get fried alive.

Waiting until the electricity cuts off wouldn't work either. It isn't guaranteed it'll go off at this point, and it's getting dark. Mother'll be worried.

The only choice we have is over. We must jump over the fence.

Katniss must have already figured this out, because she's in a tree, about seven meters above the ground.

"Prim, you can climb, right? I've watched you in the games," Katniss says as she lowers herself, ready to jump.

"Y-yes, I can climb. But not so high," I call up to her.

"Just don't look down and trust yourself," Katniss says, and with that she's ready for take off. Her fingers are wrapped tightly around a branch above her, but ready to let go.

I count to fourteen before starting to climb up, and another fourteen before her fingers release the branch. Then she's falling, falling to the ground. The force she's hit the ground with is quite hard, and I can tell she's hurt her left heel and tail bone. How, I do not know. Must be a medic thing.

"Katniss!" I exclaim from my position up in the tree.

"I'm fine Prim, climb and jump, I'll catch you," Katniss says, I can barely hear her voice above the buzzing of the fence.

"Katniss, you really shouldn't- I'll crawl under the fence or something."

"Prim, just do it."

Soon I get to the top, and I'm ready to drop.

"You sure about this?" I ask one last time.

"I am very sure, now jump!"

I let my fingers let go of the branch, and feel myself fall through the air. The adrenaline rush comes a few seconds too late, and I'm falling, falling, and finally landing in Katniss' arms.

"Oomph!" Katniss exclaims and I can tell the landing has hurt her.

"Are you okay?!" I exclaim. I take off her shoe, ready to examine the state of her heel, which she landed on, and the tailbone that landed a split second after that.

"Prim, as much as I'd love you to tend my wounds, I think we'd better get home soon," Katniss whispers. "It's getting dark."

Katniss and I stop by at the square, to buy some bandages. It may sound arbitrary, but it's an alibi. Before heading home, I insist we buy some peppermint candies. I pop one in my mouth, then realize all I've eaten today is half a cheese bun.

I savour my peppermint on the way home, hoping Katniss is doing well. She isn't though, because by the time the Victor's Village comes into view, she can barely walk. Katniss stops for a moment, and I wait and support her. Then she instructs me on 'where we've been' all this time.

"We were out on our rounds distributing food, then stopped by at the square to buy some bandages. I hurt my heel when I slipped."

"On some ice," I add with a nod.

Catching Fire: Prim [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt