Chapter 13: The Volunteer

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I do the first thing that comes in mind. Run. The thought had never occurred to me, that they would throw me back into the games. Sure, I had expected a future full of the Capitol, but not this. It has never happened before. Once you win the games, you're out of the reaping forever. Those were the rules.

As I run, the reading of the card replays in my mind, the boy, the box, Snow. Could this really be the quell prepared 75 years ago? They wanted me and everything that had to do with me, gone. And now this. This is no coincidence.

I stop for a moment, but only to catch my breath. The first location that comes to mind is our old house, but I abandon the thought as quickly as I came up with it. The next thoughts included Peeta's house and Haymitch's house, but I dismissed those quickly as well. Then I thought of Rory's house, and that image stuck. It stuck, and I ran.

As I knock on the Hawthornes' door, another thought strikes my mind. Peeta or Haymitch, one will be in the games with me. That makes two, and only one can live.

"Hello?" Rory opens the door, a look of surprise and sadness plastered across his face. He's seen the reading.

Then I do something unexpected. I throw my arms around his neck and hold onto him, like he's the last thing I've got. I cry into his shoulder, and he stays there for me. That's more than I can ask.

"It's going to be okay," he tells me, stroking my long blonde hair. "You're strong Primrose, you'll make it through."

"Prim!" Katniss exclaims when I walk into the house.

"Katniss," I whisper back, choking down tears. She pulls me into a hug and comforts me for a while, then carries me upstairs. Before I know it, she has me washed up and changed into my PJs, tucked in under the covers. Katniss is drying and brushing my hair when Mother walks in with the toast and tea. They coax me for a while, and I drift off to sleep.

Morning comes, and I find a glass of water on my night table. Mother must have left it for me, and I gulp it down.

"Good morning," I say, walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Prim," Katniss responds with a small hug.

"Did you sleep well?" Mother asks, ladling out a bowl of broth.

"Yes..Could you make that two?" I ask, gesturing towards the broth. I plan on taking one over to Haymitch, and talking things over with him. Mother nods and soon I'm out the door, walking towards Haymitch's house.

The first thing I hear is Peeta, proclaiming that he's done. Done pouring all the liquor down the drains. Haymitch gets mad, and thats when I step in and attempt smoothing things out with the broth. I offer the second bowl to Peeta but he refuses, telling me to have it

"So, why're you here?" Haymitch questions, getting to the point.

"Quell," I answer taciturnly. Haymitch nods, and so does Peeta.

"Let's get started."

The next few weeks were spent training. Running, lifting, stretching- those were the things we started off with. Soon we were working on hand-to-hand combat and throwing knives. A few days were dedicated to watching the games of the living victors. We look at their fighting styles, weaknesses, and noted down everything we could.

After all this, I'd like to say I was ready, but nothing could have prepared myself for the hundred or-so Peacekeepers that arrived today morning.

Soon the whole district is gathered in the square. On the stage is Effie, Haymitch, Peeta and I, and two reaping bowls. Effie doesn't look at all like her old self- her spirit and enthusiasm all gone, only to be replaced with sadness.

"Ladies first," Effie half-heartedly says. She walks over to the bowl on the right and her hand reaches in. It doesn't have to dig very far before grabbing the one and only slip. "Primrose Everdeen!"

I walk over to her side, doing my best to stay confident. Effie gives me a short sad glance before walking over to the other bowl.

"Peeta Mellark!"

He turns to Haymitch and nods, then joins me at the center of the stage.

"I volunteer as tribute!"

His voice rings loud and clear. Effie awkwardly welcomes him to the stage, accompanied by gasps from the crowd.

"What is your name dear?"

"Rory Hawthorne. My name is Rory Hawthorne."

~A/N~ Dun dun dun!! I just love cliff hangers, don't you?

Hey guys! I am very very sorry for going MIA (2 weeks? Maybe more?). As an apology, I will be uploading two more chapters this week :o

This chapter was quite short, face paced, and suspenseful. A bit different, but I hope you liked it- vote if you did :)

And please don't hate on Rory, my precious character...


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