Chapter 18: The Third Quarter Quell

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It's only when the smoke completely disappears that Caesar reaches out to touch my headpiece. It has now changed completely from black to white, and I'm just awed at how Cinna worked with my outfit.

"You've changed into a...a bird," Caesar observes, scanning my new outfit.

"A Mockingjay," I correct him, "The bird on my token."

I lift my arms to display the wings, and the audience gasps once more. A look of recognition comes across Caesar's face, and I can tell that he knows this bird isn't just my token, but something that symbolizes much more. This costume change will mean so much more to those watching the interviews in the districts. Whether or not he realizes the impact, he seems to keep a relatively straight face.

"Well, I think your stylist deserves a round of applause; this dress is the most spectacular thing we've seen tonight!" Caesar exclaims, gesturing for Cinna to rise from his seat and take a bow. Then suddenly it hits me. The costume itself was an act of rebellion, and presenting it at an event so large like this- I was certain there would be repercussions. I was so scared for him and his words suddenly came to mind...

["Don't worry. I always channel my emotions into work. That way I don't hurt anyone buy myself,"] (page 253 lines 22~23)

...and I am just so scared that he's hurting himself irreparably. My transformation tonight will not go unnoticed by Snow.

The audience roars into applause, and I almost miss the buzzer signalling that my 3 minutes are over. I take a bow with a smile, and Caesar sends me back to seat.

I pass Rory on the way, and he's relatively quiet. He gives me a quick nod and smile before nervously walking over to Caesar for his turn.

"Now give it up for our final tribute, Rory Hawethrone!" Caesar roars, soon to be accompanied by the cheers of the crowd.

"Now Rory, you're interesting tribute for this particular quell. Any thoughts on that?" Caesar asks him.

"Well, I was a bit scared myself. Me, a non-victor, volunteering for a Victors' Game. I started questioning the legality of my actions, but when no one stopped me, I marched right up to that stage, I'm here," he told Caesar.

"But you understand, these tributes you will face are all victors, how on earth did you gather the courage to volunteer in a game like this?!"

"I had to," Rory starts as he fiddles with his hands, "For Prim, and for...Gale."

"Could you elaborate on that?"

"As I watched Prim in the games last year, my heart broke. She could've died in there! I felt hatred for the Capitol. For sending such a young innocent girl into the games- how could they?! She was only 12, and they didn't care about her at all, she was just treated like a pawn in their games. How could I sit back and watch it happen all over again?" Rory choked, tears of anger forming in his eyes. Caesar just sat back, unsure of what to say. Then finally,
"How about...Gale, who is he to you?"

I knew this was no better of a topic to ask Rory about. I sighed, hoping the buzzer would ring before Rory caused anymore damage.

"Gale is my brother. But he no longer lives with us, the Capitol has dragged him here to serve as my servant! How much crueler can a human being get? This past week, I had to watch my mute brother serve me food, make my bed, clean my room- and I couldn't do anything about it. He's only 19, and life at home wouldn't have been any better for him. Working in the mines, he would've rarely spent any time at home. And all that coal mining we do in the district, how much coal do the district 12 villagers get to use? Close to none! We're left to freeze in the cold.The one day my brother could rest, would be another work day. He would had to provide for our family of 5, because the Capitol can't spare us even 10g of food each day. And here they purposely barf it up while when we're left to starve. Panem! Do you not realize what your country is doing to you- your Capitol that you've so much respected is not what you think it is. Every single year, they tear 24 children away from their parents and throw them into a cruel game that kills 23 innocent children annually. Panem! How crueler could this get? When these victors were guaranteed to be out of these games, they're just thrown right back into the dreaded arena. Our Capitol is corrupt! Underneath its layers of sparkle, shine, and ostentatiousness, is filth!"

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