Chapter 9: The Peacekeeper

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When I wake up, my left cheek is pressed against the white cloth spread. The other is throbbing with pain. Rory's hand is still holding mine, and that's when yesterday's events all come back to me. Like Oh right, that happened. I wish it could have just been a dream, but it's all real. From the scars on Rory's back, all the way to the absence of Gale.

Katniss is watching from a distance, and I have a feeling she's been there for a while. Her facial expression is hard to read, but when she speaks I can hear her clearly.

"Get some sleep Prim, I'll take care of Rory."

"No, it's okay, I can stay-"

"Prim, I know you're tired, you need to rest, catch some sleep. He'll be find," Katniss reasons, and I can't help but go upstairs to my room.

I get to my room and crawl under the covers, soon falling asleep. The nightmare was quick to come.

Clove chases after me, knives in her hands. Her eyes seek revenge, and there's a dark aura around her- like there was with Thread. I'm running; running for my life, running out of breath. I feel myself being knocked over, and suddenly... Clove is over me with a knife atop my face. Her sly smile is the last thing I see before I close my eyes, and feel the blade cut into my cheek.

I wake up panting hard. I come to my senses and realize Thread gave me the scar, and not Clove. I get out of bed, afraid I'll fall back into the nightmare. I walk over to my window and notice the strong blizzard. This is a gift. The blizzard means the Peacekeepers won't be able to do anything. Nothing will happen during the blizzard, and that'll give us time to formulate a plan.

I think about the decision I had made yesterday night, to stay here, here with Rory. Staying means rebellion- and rebellion means risks.

But I have all the right reasons to stay, to stay and to rebel, to stand up for myself. I do not want to become another pawn of the Capitol. I have to fight for Rue and Noah. I won't let their deaths be in vain. I will fight for them, and I will avenge their deaths. But most importantly, I have to fight for Rory.

I walk downstairs and find Mother and Katniss taking care of Rory. He's in pain, and I ask Mother if we can give him another one of the shots Madge had brought yesterday night. She shakes her head and instead has me make another snow coat, mainly for him, but also for myself.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask as Katniss applies the snow coat to my cheek.

"He went home," she answers.

"In this storm?"

"He only lives three houses away," she assures me with a laugh.

"But you should still call him, make sure he made it home,"

"You're right, I should," she says with a sigh and walks over to the phone. That's when I realize she might not like Peeta in that way, it could still be an act for the Capitol. And it makes me feel horrible, because Gale's gone missing, and all she can do is stay here, acting like she's in love with Peeta.

It was me that called an emergency meeting later in the afternoon. Katniss, Haymitch, Peeta and I walked for a while, into town, because we all knew it wouldn't be safe to discuss things back in the Victor's Village.

"I want to start an uprising," I blurt out once we're far enough from everyone else. Haymitch just laughs, and doesn't take me seriously. Once he does realize I'm serious, he just says, "It won't work."

I'm about to fire back when we get a good view of the town square.

Nothing will happen during the blizzard.

I was wrong. Terribly wrong. The square has been completely transformed. A banner with the Panem seal hangs from the Justice Building, and stockades, gallows, and whipping posts have been set up everywhere. An army of Peacekeepers stand stiffly around the newly set up equipment, and seem ready to attack at any moment.

"Quick worker, that Thread guy," Haymitch comments.

"The Hob," Katniss states and I notice the smoke in the distance. Has to be it.

"They'll be okay, right?"

"They'll be fine. But not the liquor," Haymitch says, and with that, he's gone. I don't know if he's joking or not, but I think it's the latter.

Peeta leaves to go check on his family, and Katniss and I decide to check on Hazelle.

When we get to her house, we find her nursing a sick Posy.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't come see Rory, I knew he was in good hands," she tells us as she brings out some herb tea. Katniss and I thank her for it and sip the drink that warms us in the cold weather. After the short visit to Hazelle's, we walked back home. People hid at the sight of us, pulling down their shutters and peeking through. And I thought an uprising was possible.

On the way, Katniss and I get another look of the square. I notice that all the peacekeepers are new, unfamiliar. I can't help but think District 12 is slowly turning into a smaller scale of District 11.

Things only got worse. Sign ups for tesserae soar, but often the children don't receive their share. The mines are often shut down for a few weeks, and when they open again, wages are cut and the work times are increased. There are food shortages, and people slowly began to starve. Worst of all, people are brought into the square for punishment. It's horrible.

The only positive: Haymitch hiring Hazelle as his housekeeper. It helps keep his house tidy, and it's a source of income for Hazelle. During all these hardships, Haymitch is fighting his own battle. He's quickly running out of his precious liquor.

Now no one dare goes into the woods. But one day, Katniss does. I decide to secretly follow her, in hopes to protect her in any cases of danger, but mostly out of curiosity. I guess I'm not a good hider though, because Katniss discovers me almost halfway there. At first, I think she'll send me back. But she reluctantly lets me come along. I understand, she's worried about me. This wouldn't be the first time she's taken me into the woods, and there's all the new enforcements too.

The electricity in the fence is thankfully off, and Katniss and I successfully climb under the loose wires. We start walking down a trail, one I recognize as the road to the lake.

"I wanted to see it, just one more time. We may never see it again," Katniss tells me softly.

We get to the lake, and that's when I notice the cement house. It's the same as the last time I've been there. Except smoke comes out of the chimney, and footprints lead to it's door. Someone is in there.

Suddenly I hear a weapon click, and I take in a sharp breath, then turn around with wide eyes. It's a Peacekeeper. I start to panic and I can sense it in Katniss as well. We're both formulating plans in our heads when the Peacekeeper shows us what's in their hand. The Peacekeeper slowly opens up its fist to reveal a strange object I've never seen before. First I just see a small cracker, but then I noticed the mark stamped in the center. A Mockingjay.

End of Part 1, <The Spark>

~A/N~ I am back again with a new chapter! And I have finished part 1!

I'd really appreciate it if you left a comment with some thoughts, questions or feedback about part 1, as it'd be really helpful for parts 2 and 3.

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