Chapter 19: Vicious Killers

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Where am I? More importantly, where do I go?

"60, 59, 58, 57-"

Cinna. He was beat up. I owe him for everything he's done for me. I have every reason to fight.

"49, 48, 47-"

I scan the arena, hoping to draw out something useful, something that could help me win. Strength isn't at my will and I'm going to need to rely on my logic big time.

"41, 40, 39-"

Blue water and a white hot sun that's beaming on every object in view. A pink sky, with fluffy white clouds that only adds on to the illusion that we're in paradise. Beach like scenes stretch out from different directions.

"22, 21, 20, 19, 18-"

The golden cornucopia stands in the center of us tributes, while we're wedged between spokes- 12 spokes that all lead to the cornucopia. So...2 tributes between each spoke. In my wedge is none other than District 8's Woof.

"12, 11, 10-"

The water shimmers, wavering in even currents- some washing up onto my pedestal. I reach down and touch it with the tip of my fingers, then bring it up to my mouth for a taste. Salty. Of course it has to be seawater.

"3, 2, 1-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, let the seventy-fifth hunger games begin!"

The gong sounds, signalling the start of the games. I jump into the water, and shiver when my skin comes in contact with the water. Contrary to the hot sun, the water's quite cold.

I'm not that great of a swimmer, but somehow I swim quite easily without any effort. It's weird, almost like I'm floating on the water. Must be the suit.

Soon I reach the cornucopia, lifting myself out of the water and onto the rough and hard ground. I sprint towards the weapons, like any Career would do. I don't see anyone yet but the cornucopia is pretty big- it could be blocking my view from the most dangerous of enemies.

Unlike last year, the weapons this year are piled in a large stack near the mouth of the horn. I scan the pile quickly before yanking out a slingshot and a spear. A throwing knife falls out in the process and I'm reminded of Clove- the girl who played with knives.

I hear something shift behind me and I turn around abruptly, only to be greeted by none other than Finnick Odair. I raise my spear, afraid he'll attack me. He's a few yards away, glistening gorgeously with his trident- ready to attack. He's also got a net, hanging loosely from his other hand.

"Didn't know you could swim," he says with a smirk.

"That's 'cause I didn't tell you," I answer swiftly.

"Liking the arena?"

"Not one bit. I bet you like it though- they probably built it for you."

It's true. With all this water, the District 4 tributes have a clear advantage. They didn't even have a pool in the training center so it was either you knew how to swim or you better be a fast learner. And seeing how few people are at the cornucopia (basically just me and him), swimming isn't a common talent among tributes/victors.

He and I stand there for a few moments, trying to intimidate each other with our glares. Not much fun. Then suddenly he smiles.

"It's a good thing we're allies, right?"

A look of confusion flashes my face before I raise my spear once more. It's a trap, Prim. Don't trust him.

I'm about to throw when he shifts his wrist and something catches the sunlight, blinding me for a split second. Just great. I'm really about to throw when I recognize what that 'something' is. A golden bracelet. The same exact one that Effie gave Haymitch. I know he could've stolen it but somehow I know Haymitch has given it to him. It's a sign to me to trust Finnick. And well, I trust Haymitch, so...I trust Finnick?

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