Chapter 10: Bonnie, Twill, and District 13

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It makes no sense to see my bird stamped onto a cracker. The Peacekeeper doesn't make any more sense.

"What's that, and what does it mean," Katniss demands, reloading her bow.

"It means we're on your side," a trembling voice answers from behind. She must have come from the house. And she must be armed.

"Show yourself," Katniss orders.

"She's can't-" Cracker Woman starts.

"Show yourself!" Katniss forces once more. I hear a step, a scrape, another scrape, and a drag. Then a girl limps into view, wearing a Peacekeeper outfit, five sizes too big for her. She has no weapons. Instead she is hanging onto a pair of crutches, that seem to have been made from a broken branch. Her face is red from the cold, and her teeth click together as she shivers. She's not a Peacekeeper, nor a Capitol citizen.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Twill," starts Cracker Woman. She looks to be in her mid-thirties.

"And I'm Bonnie," adds the younger girl. She seems older than me, but younger than Katniss.

"We've run away," says Twill.

"All the way from District 8," Bonnie adds. District 8! They must know about the uprisings.

"Where'd the uniforms come from?" Katniss questions.

"A factory...Bonnie's was meant for someone else, which explains why it's too big on her,"

"The gun's from a dead Peacekeeper."

There's a pause, and I can tell Katniss is trying to take this all in. I find the story believable, plus them being from District 8 arouses my curiosity.

"What's the cracker then?" I ask.

"Don't you guys know?" Bonnie asks, looking surprised.

"It matches my pin..." is all I say.

"They really don't know," Bonnie mutters, taken back.

"I know about the uprisings in 8," I say, which results in Katniss giving me the eyebrow.

"Yeah, the uprisings, that's why we had to get out," Twill explains.

"Where headed?" Katniss questions, still holding her bow and arrow in place.

"We're going to District 13," Twill says with a smile.

"Thirteen? There isn't a 13, it got blown off the map seventy five years ago!" I exclaim. Bonnie shifts on the crutches, and I can see the pain written on her face.

"What's wrong with the foot?"

"Twisted it, the boots were too big," Bonnie explains and winces. I watch as Katniss steps forward and takes Twill's gun, then lowers her bow.

"Is anyone looking for you?" Katniss interrogates.

"No, at least we don't think so. Everyone thinks we died in a factory was lucky we made it out."

"Well then, let's go inside," I say, gesturing towards the cement house. Bonnie and Twill are right behind me, and Katniss follows from behind with the gun. I open the door, letting everyone in, and watch Bonnie limp over to the fireplace to warm herself.

"Have you been eating?" Katniss asks, who's finally put down her guard.

"No, food's been scare. We've been starving for a while," Twill answers sheepishly. Katniss opens up the bag she brought along, one that I recognize as her game bag. She scans the insides then pulls out two cheese buns. They're Peeta's creations, and he's been bringing lots to our house lately- they're Katniss' favorite.

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