Chapter 7 II Now you know how to call us

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Week passed by uneventful. Only thing I was doing was meeting new teachers. Some of them treated us well, some didn't.

It was beginning of the week.

I got new morning routine. On good days I wake up before 7, but most of the time I don't. Then I make breakfast for Luke and quickly change into something that doesn't look like I just had a fight with a rabid dog. After that I go to meet Layla below the clock and we walk to the main door.

"I think that they should give us some clothes so we don't stand out even more than we already do"- Layla said bringing me back to reality.

I was sitting on my seat in school bus. We were almost in school.

"I think that they should go back to where they came from, but nobody is listening to me so..."- I said and Layla gave me annoyed look.

"Why can't you be positive for once. A negative mind will never give you a positive life"

"What is there worth to be positive about?"

"Well, you say their eyes are disgusting, I say they are different. You say they are annoying, I say they are hot", she made pause while I laugh it out and continued, "I'm serious - every last one of them. It's like in their DNA to be hot or something. And the boys are... gorgeous and tall..."

"All of them are tall, I feel like an ant there"- I cut her off.

"Well you were always so tiny, like an elf"- she said mockingly.

"I'm sorry miss I'm-so-tall, I didn't recognize you"- I said jokingly.

"I'm still taller than you"

"Yea, for like 2 inches"

"There I big difference between 5 ft 3 and 5 ft 5"

I laughed and she joined.

Bus stopped and we started to go out.

"Welcome to another day with the weird eyed creeps"- I said under my breath.

Layla heard me and smiled. I smiled beck. Stares didn't go away, but they weren't as direct as they used to be. I was still getting used to them.

We were making our way to classroom when suddenly something started to play over and over again in my head - a song. That didn't happen in so long. I missed music so much. I smiled and started to hum lyrics of my favorite song.

"B-be careful making wishes in the dark, dark..."

"Can't be sure when they've hit their mark, mark..."- Layla sang with me. We laughed a bit and continued singing in the same voice.

"And besides in the mean, mean time,
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
"- we were started to get lauder. We weren't just singing now, we were dancing and laughing not caring about everyone else.

"My songs know what you did in the dark"- we got in the classroom and everybody stared. It didn't bother me at all. I was in such a good mood and I just kept singing.

"So light 'em up, up, up"- we sang as we sat on our chairs.

"On fire"- Cara joined. I sent her a smile while singing.

"What the hell is that awful tone?"- someone said and we stopped singing and just laughed. I turned to see who interrupted us and saw Adrian leaning on the table next to me with hands crossed on his chest and annoyed look on his face.

"It's a song, popular one"- I explained ignoring his insult.

"Ah, yes you consider that crazy yelling entertaining. I forgot"

"That crazy yelling is called rock, maybe you heard of it"

"I did, unfortunately"

I smiled and he gave the what-the-hell look.

"What's funny?"

"You"- I simply said.

"Humans"- he said and left. I smiled again. This was the first time he talked to me since our fight. He didn't bring it up so I figured that he probably forgot about it.

I didn't. I felt awful whole week for being mean. I was never like that. I have temper, but most of the time I can control it. I thought about him - them a lot, mostly about why are they here, what made them come here and I realized that I was unfair. But then again I was living in a dirty slum with nothing to eat.

"Should I apologize to him?"- I asked Layla.


"For exploding at him. He didn't do anything... at first"

"So? Why do you care?"

"I don't know. I feel guilty."

"Maybe you like him"- she suggested.

"C'mon Layla, I'm serious."

"So am I."

I shook my head and turned away from her.

I noticed that they don't like natural light. Curtains were always on and they rarely hung out outside of school and when they did they had their hats on. Because of that they were pale.

Ma-Lea came in. Everyone stopped talking and focused on her. She had smile o her face as always. It was kind of irritating.

Layla raised her hand. I looked at her confused.

"Yes"- Ma-Lea said.

"I was wondering, since you want us to fit in you should probably give us some normal clothes or at least our old clothes"

I was trying hard to hold back a laugh, because she looked so serious like that's our biggest problem.

"I'll see what I can do"- Ma-Lea answered.

Layla looked satisfied.

"If that's all I would like to face one problem I noticed last week", she made a small pause and we nodded "So, I heard that humans address us as them. I would like to change that. We know quite a lot about you, so it's time that you learn about us. We are coming from a planet called Ultrron. It is not that far away as some would say. We are from this galaxy and I'm really surprised that you didn't find us before. Our planet is not that different from yours. It was in solar system just like Earth and we had a star like your Sun", she stopped talking and she looked like she was there again.

When she notices that se dozed off she smiled and continued talking: "We called it Luxa. Unfortunately our star died - is dying to be precise. It has burned all of its hydrogen fuel and it is expanding to become a red giant. It is burning our planet as we speak. It will blow itself very soon and make tremendous celestial event.

So now you know where did we come from, why, and you even know how to call us - Ultrrians"

Not thinking about it, I raised my hand.


"Why Earth?"- I asked.

She opened her mouth to answer when the power went down. Ma-Lea jumped from her chair.

Everyone became restless and anxious.

"Class quiet down, it's just short circuit. We still haven't replaced the old wires"- Ma-Lea started to clam everyone down.

Just when the slight panic went away we heard a loud boom that illuminated our classroom.

In that split second I saw a shadow on the door approaching us.

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