Chapter 33 II Panic attack

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Kayden's POV

Ceiling collided and I found myself pulling Layla to my chest to protect her. Massive rocks were falling and it seemed they will continue doing that until there is nothing left. I slowly walked to one corner that seemed safe with Layla curled up in front of me. She took my shirt and squeezed it tightly. She was trembling and breathing heavily.
I had a feeling like I'm holding priceless - fragile statue made of glass. I feared that if I do wrong move she will break.

Few long moments later, rocks stopped falling and small area that we were trapped in was filled with dirt flying around. There was enough space for three people if they stood really closely. Only sources of light were several small cracks between fallen rocks.

I hated small and tight rooms.

I hated them.

Discomfort went through me and I felt goosebumps on my hands.

I took a deep breath and moved away from the girl.

She still had her eyes closed and as I moved away she embraced herself. I watched her biting her lip and opening her big chocolate eyes. Her dress was ripped slightly at the right side and her stockings were a mess.

"I hate earthquakes...or any kind of sudden shaking", she said quietly.

"Yeah... I hate tight spaces", my voice slightly quivered but I covered it with a cough.

"I hate when people wear pink and red in one outfit"

I chuckled at that forgetting about cramped room and decided to play along.

"I hate dark"

"I hate spiders"

"Yeah, I noticed", I said and looked into her eyes. There was no fear in them. Every person I talked to looked at me with fear in their eyes, except Adrian and his brother. Kael just looked at me with pity. That was worse.

"Really? How so?" she smiled genuinely not looking away. She indeed was something else.

"Angel, let's face it; you have a scream of a banshee", I said smirking.

"I'll take that as a compliment"

Silence filled the small room making me think of its teeny dimensions, again.

There is not enough space. We will probably be stuck here for some time. Beautiful.

I looked around feeling slight lack of air in my lugs. I knew it would get worse. It happened before.

I closed my eyes trying to calm down. I didn't want it to happen in front of someone. I didn't want it to happen in front of her. Just when I found someone that... dammit!

I opened my eyes and saw that she was looking at me strangely.

I need to focus on something.


I feel cold sweat sliding over my face. Not good.

Quickly, find something to focus on, don't think about those walls!

My brain is a blank, a void. Nothing useful can be found there now.

Sudden heat spreads and a moment later coldness follows it. Shit!

Okay, just calm yourself.

I look around again and all I see are walls just coming closer and closer wanting to crash me.

Inhale, exhale. Focus on that.

My heart beats wildly. There is not enough air.

I took a deep breath and as I did that I inhaled not so insignificant amount of dirt. I coughed couple of times and soon regretted it, because now I couldn't stop.

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