Chapter 16 II I just want to have fun

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Short and quick update with Kayden on the side :))) I hope you like it...


Adrian hissed and I turned to see why. He had blood all over his hands.

"What are you doing?"- I asked surprised.

"What does it look like?"- he asked annoyed.

"Honestly, I don't know"

He just put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around. I felt his fingers on my back exactly on most painful places.

Wherever he touched me I felt burning pain that made my eyes water, but it was short-lasting. I grabbed sink and held it with everything I've got trying to distract myself from pain. My eyes were on fire.

"Stop it, please, stop it"- I pleaded.

"Wait just a few seconds, okay? Then it will be over"

I gritted my teeth and shut up letting him do whatever he was doing. I don't know why, but I trusted him.

Few painful moments later the pain stopped completely. I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling spreading through my body. I almost forgot how it feels when I'm not in pain and it felt good. I grinned and turned around.

That weird excitement took over me. I felt like I can fly.

Adrian on the other hand looked exhausted. He was washing his hands. When he was done he turned my way. His eyes were glowing... a lot. He crossed his arms on his chest.

"Stop smiling like an idiot"- he said annoyed.

I laughed and quickly closed space between us. He looked really confused.

With grin that never left my face I gave him a hug. He stiffened under my touch.

"Thank you"- I quietly said. He relaxed and chuckled.

"You're welcome"- he said and I moved.

"You can ignore me now, I don't know what I'm doing"- I said and laughed. He smiled at me.

"Let's get you cleaned up"- he said.

"Oh, I'm getting the feeling that you really meant it when you said that you want to see me naked because, boy, you can't keep your hands to yourself"- I said with a smirk and he raised his eyebrows.

"You're right; you have no idea what you're talking about"

I chuckled and turned my back to him. He took a towel that I haven't really noticed till then. Slowly he moved my hair and started removing blood from my skin.

As he did that, I was just trying to ignore the feeling that was rising in my tummy.

* * *

We left the toilet just when the bell rung letting us know that the class begun.

"Wait, you can't go in there like that"- Adrian said.

"What's wrong?"- I asked confused.

"You're eyes are glowing"

"Oh", I said and stopped, "Well, you can go in, I'll think of something"

"Are you sure that you're okay?"

"Better than okay"- I said and stretched without pain in my back.

He smiled and went in. Door closed and I was left alone in big hall.

"So, where to next?"- I thought out loud as I started heading out. I walked slowly and opened door. Cold breeze ruffled my hair and I moved it from my face.

"Where ever you want"- I heard voice behind me.

"Kayden"- I sighed turning around.

"The one and only"- he repeated the same thing he said when he first came.

"What do you want?"

"A lot of things"- he responded smirking.

"Class started already, shouldn't you be in there?"

"I should, so should you", he said pointing at me, "But here we are"

"I can't go in th..."

"That's what you get for getting freaky with Adrian"- he said wiggling his eyebrows as he took a few steps closer.

"You're an asshole"

"So I've been told"

"Okay, just tell me what you want and leave me alone"

"I just want to have fun"- he said and smirked viciously.

"Then go somewhere else, I'm no fun to you"

"You're right"- he said few moments later, turned and started walking to the class. He seemed like he just thought of something and that something wasn't good.

I had really bad feeling about that.

He opened the door and said a bit too loudly: "Cora, so nice to see you"

I frowned. I knew what he had in mind.

Cora is a big girl, she can make reasonable choices, and I shouldn't worry about her, I thought to myself.

A picture of her and Kayden came into my mind. I shook it off and went outside. I sat on my bench and just thought how good it felt to hug Adrian.

What was going on with me? 

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