Chapter 13 II I want to forget

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"He did what?"- Layla screamed.

I tried to shut her up, because we were in a little bus and I didn't want everyone to know what happened.

"Don't shh me! What am I to you? A stranger? I should've been the first one to know that"- she continued her lecture gesticulating with her arms.

"You are the first one to know that"- I said calmly. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Whatever, you should not shut up about that"

That conversation was going out of control. I didn't even know how I told her about the whole kidnapping thing. She bugged me the whole weekend to tell her what happened, and by weekend I mean Sunday, because I overslept Saturday. Luke was angry with me because of that and so was I. That never happened before. I was just so tired the whole time since Friday. I figured that it was probably caused by this healing thingy.

Anyways, I barely got up this morning. My back tingled in a bad way.

I met with Layla and our conversation, as always, begun with her crazy statements.

"I bet my future husband is curled up with his girlfriend in bed right now just chilling and he's thinking about how beautiful she is and how he will spend his whole life with her and those kinds of things", she made a slight pause as I laughed and continued addressing to that poor girl, "Ha-ha joke is on you, bitch. See you in few years"

And that's how it begun.

How it got to the critical point – I don't know.

"Layla calm down"- I tried. Her cheeks were bright red. She was furious.

Bus stopped. I was sitting and looking what was she going to do.

She got up without saying anything and stormed out. She can be overdramatic sometimes. I just sighed and slowly walked out.

She was nowhere to be seen. I just hope she won't do anything stupid.

Kayden's POV

I haven't seen Adrian since Friday. Guess that he was avoiding me. Nice job in ruining friendship with your only friend. I chuckled at that thought.

I was walking down the hall, when someone grabbed me and pulled me in some room. The door closed a second later. I was in the dark. I hated dark.

I heard clicking noise and some kind of light bulb started glowing.

I saw that short annoying human girl. She looked angry. It was cute.

"So that's how you want to do it"- I said with the smirk.

She laughed humorlessly.

And then.

I felt a short-lasting,


Pain on my right cheek.

Little slut slapped me.


I smiled and looked at her and slightly titled my head.

"You have just been bitch-slapped. A bitch-slap for a bitch", she said to me and then murmured, "I always wanted to say that"

"I can see"- I said a few moments later.

She looked at me angrily and for a moment I thought that she's going to slap me again. Her cheeks were red; hair was a mess and eyes radiated with rage.

"Can I go now?"

"Excuse me"- she said confused.

"You said what you wanted, can I go now?"- I repeated.

"No", she said decisively, "You are going to stay put until I'm done"

I laughed and said: "And who is going to make me?"

"Me"- she said fearlessly. She wasn't afraid of me. In my mind I decided that I'm going to set that right.

I laughed again and took a step to her. She took one back. We went like that till she hit the wall. I closed space between us and put my hands above her head. I smirked. She still wasn't scared of me. So I got even closer. I lowered my head to her ear.

"And how will you do that?"- I asked quietly.

"I've dealt with perverts before"- she said gulping.

"Oh, I'm not pervert honey, I something far worse"

"I can see"

"Than ... why aren't you running?"- I asked as I slowly traced the shape of her forehead, nose, lips and ultimately her neck. She didn't move. She looked straight at my eyes not even blinking.

"You don't scare me"- she said confidently. I felt electricity on the tip of my fingers.

"Are you sure?"- I said as I made mine and her eyes to glow. My hand stayed not tight around the neck.

"Positive"- she said.

I chuckled and quickly left the room with my inhuman speed. Inhuman... I like that word.

Shortly I was on my sitting in my car, heading to my apartment. I just couldn't be in the same room with my mother so I got the place on my own. I slammed the door and sat on my couch with the glass of sour whiskey in my hand.

I smiled when the picture of the little brunet appeared in my head. She was the first person, besides Adrian that wasn't afraid of me. Just a thought of making her scream, either of pleasure or fear made me laugh.

Guess that I have new mission. That deserved a glass or two of whiskey. Or a bottle.

Adrian hated alcohol, so did his brother. They said that it's poison and they forbid it. I think it's the only good thing that they have here.

It makes you forget.

And I want to forget.

About my parents,

About them,

About what they have done to me.

Lastly, I want to forget myself. I want to disappear.

And I do.

Every time. 

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