Chapter 17 II Nimueh

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Hello to good and beautiful people that are reading this. I won't stall, meaning we are jumping right to the point. I just want to thank every single one of you who voted, commented or just read my story. It means a lot. Anyways, there's Nimueh on the side.


Next few days I stayed home. Why? Well, the only way to explain why I wasn't attending class was that I didn't feel good, so I just went with it.

Layla told me everything that happened while I was gone.

Guess that Cara isn't as smart as I thought, because like Layla told me, she spent a lot of time with Kayden.

Most of my time, I was spending with Luke. On this point I don't know what I would do without him. He is just so bright, funny and cute little boy.

Weekend came and I needed to go to the woods to show Luke the hole on the wall. Layla mentioned that only once and he bugged me to show him ever since.

"Nobody will see you! You don't have to do that ... girly stuff for the whole eternity"- Luke yelled.

"I can't go in my pajamas"- I yelled back.

"Nobody will see you!"- he repeated.

"I won't go if you keep rushing me"

He shut up. After few minutes I came out.

"Well, finally"- he sighed.

I lightly punched him on the back of his head and started walking.

"That hurt"- he pouted. I laughed and hugged him. He wiggled out of my hands and went in front of me.

We quietly talked and laughed all the way to the woods

"Wow, look at that"- he said pointing to the trees.

"You have never been here?"- I asked disbelievingly. He shook his head and pulled me in there. We walked for some time, well, ran, jumped and tripped would be better description.

Suddenly we heard something moving in the bushes. We stopped laughing and looked at each other.

Let's check out what is that - Luke mouthed to me. I nodded and we started going to the place where the noise came from.

I was very careful but still louder than Luke. He was like a ninja.

I giggled at that thought and Luke lightly slapped my hand and gave me death-stare. I put my hand on my mouth to stop myself from bursting of laughter.

I took a deep breath and continued. Luke was few steps in front of me and I didn't like that. Just when I wanted to step closer to him, he ducked and moved branches of the bush.

"Luke"-I called.

"No, no, no. It's okay. We won't hurt you"- he quickly said. I frowned and came closer.

If it is some animal, I swear I won't take it just because he want me to, I thought to myself.

As I came closer I saw...

A little girl?

Suddenly a picture of that girl trapped in the car on the day Ultrrians arrived came to my mind. They were nothing alike; I don't know why I thought of her.
Few times I had dreams with her in them. She would look at me disappointed and just ask me why I lied to her. Every time I remembered her, I felt heavy stinging in my chest. I said I would help and I didn't. She was probably dead for a long time now.

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