Chapter 24 II I don't believe in fairytales

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Rose's POV

After Kayden and Layla came back, we parted our ways. I noticed Layla's bloody hands. I wanted to ask her about it, but she was very distracted; meaning that something was on her mind – a new mission. I had no intention to interfere so I dropped it. When I came home I saw Luke writing something. This time I decided to ask, but he just shook his head dismissively and said I'll find out when the time is right. Having nothing else to do, I took a nap. Well I wanted to take a nap, but when I woke up it was morning.

I went to the clock and waited for Layla. She never came, so I went to her apartment. She wasn't there. Not wanting to freeze anymore, I speed-walked to the bus. To my surprise Layla was there sitting alone.

"I was waiting for you"- I said accusingly and she looked at me expressionless.

"What?"- she asked few moments later. I sighed annoyed and sat beside her. She was uncharacteristically quiet.

"What's on your mind?"- I asked as the bus started driving.



"So girls, you disappeared yesterday after school so we couldn't use our newly acquired freedom"- Daniel cut me off as he suddenly popped his head from the seat in front of us. He was smiling and his blue eyes were jumping from me to Layla.

"What?"- both of us said in the same time.

"C'mon, don't tell me you forgot"- he said going with his hand through his black hair. It took me few moments to process what he was talking about.

"We can stay in town till the curfew", he said and narrowed his eyes, "What happened yesterday?"

"Oh, yeah... are we going to investigate a bit today"- Layla said ignoring his question. I shrugged.

"Are you in?"- I asked Daniel

"Of course! Why not?"- Daniel said enthusiastically forgetting about his previous question.

Layla grinned. She was behaving like herself in normal circumstances again. Her mission was forgotten, or at least it looked like it.

We arrived at school and went in. I sat on my usual spot beside Layla and we started taking about where we should go first today.

Adrian walked in classroom without Kayden trailing not far behind him which thing was unusual. Layla turned to Cora to throw an insult and I was just sitting there while they were arguing.

Adrian was walking by my table when I jumped up and popped just in front of him. He stopped with questioning look on his face.

"I'm...I was just...wondering how's Nimueh?"- I stuttered. Why does this always happen? Why?

"She's fine"- he just said and walked pass me. Well, that was rude. I sighed annoyed and sat back down on my seat.

"Although she keeps pleading me to ask you about some boy; Luke was it?"- he said suddenly turning around to face me again.

I grinned and looked back at him. His glowing green eyes were on me and he was smiling. Just a moment earlier he was making me feel like I was annoying him and now... I had no idea what he was doing now.

No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't figure him out. These few weeks of my failed attempts witness that.

Only thing that was clear to me was the way I feel when he's near me. I still had to choose what to do with that. Ignoring it obviously doesn't help.

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