Chapter 39 II Perfidious bastard

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Rose's POV

I sat on entrance enjoying beautiful sight of glowing trees and a starry night. Beams of light danced on the dark garden as the slight wind moved the leaves. Fresh air was giving me chills, but it also filled my lungs with coldness so I couldn't feel the burning pain in my chest. I breathed out into my stone-cold hands and rubbed them against each other. It didn't help. Somehow it seemed like my heart stopped working. Could that happen?

I laughed humorlessly and looked up. A tear escaped from my eye and slid down my face. I didn't even felt it.

Coldish breeze ruffled my hair and I just let it.

I was being stupid – as always. Stupid, little, human girl...

The eco of a deep yell ended the cycle of my depressive thoughts and my whole body shivered. There was something very dangerous in that slight indication that I wasn't alone. I convinced myself it was the wind and not some creepy animal or a serial killer.

I shook my head. It was time for me to go to my room, anyway. I was just about to freeze and I was pretty tired. This day was finally coming to an end and it was the only thing that cheered me up.

My birthday indeed brings some kind of bad luck.

I got up and, with one last glance at the beautiful garden, went in. As I was closing heavy door and thinking how on earth will I find a way to the room in this maze of a mansion, someone got in very fast.

I jumped as my heart started beating wildly.

What the hell?

"I'm done", deep voice came from behind me and I turned around a bit too quickly.

Adrian stood few feet away from me with troubled expression on his face. It was weird; he was always kind of expressionless.

"With what?" I asked confused.

"With pretending", he said, closed the distance between us and took my hand in his, "I can't do it anymore, I just can't and I won't"

He was making no sense to me. I couldn't read his face; I wasn't used to him showing emotions.

"I don't have time for this", I said moved away from him.

"Wait...wait...God...I don't know how to do me out"

He looked so... vulnerable.

"Please, I had enough of all this for one night", I said and turned my back on him.

"Rose", I didn't bother turning around; I just walked God knows where, but he didn't give up, "Rose! Wait...just wait a second"

No more chances. This time for real. Nothing he says or does will make me think differently.

"Rose, I love you", he said.


Only thing that can be heard is my crazy heart.

I turned around very slowly.

It can't be truth... what I heard must be just a product of my imagination, right?

Adrian looked at me desperately with his hands just hanging along his body doing nothing. He was a mess. Was he just playing me or...

"What?" my voice sounded low and fragile.

Adrian took a deep breath and few steps towards me.

"I don't...we...ugh...why does this has to be so hard", he looked down and went with his hand through his hair still walking my way, "I love you... I think. I mean I've never felt something like this and I've certainly never seen someone go through this. It is so...ugh... confusing. You do things to me..."

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