Chapter 32 II Spider

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Rose's POV

All I could hear was a piercing sound. It consumed me completely. I had a feeling my ears were bleeding and my brain was bursting. I put my hands on ears tying to make it go away, but nothing happened.

My eyes were closed and I didn't want to open them. I had that weird feeling that if I open them or move my hands, sound will get louder.

Suddenly I felt someone pulling me by my hand. I opened my eyes to see dusty Adrian. He was saying something but I couldn't hear him. All I heard was ringing in my ears.

Dust was everywhere which thing made seeing anything impossible. I closed my eyes again and tried concentrate on anything besides that sound. A moment later I felt strong hand on mine. It took my hand sending thousands shivers down my spine. Abruptly, ringing got extremely loud and then it was gone.

"Rose, focus", Adrian was saying. It sounded like he was miles away.

I opened my eyes and started breathing slowly. I didn't even notice how hard my heart was beating till then.

What the hell happened?

There was a loud bam, then dust started falling down and before you could do anything, everything collapsed down.

I shut my eyes closed as I felt pain radiating from the back of my head. Dammit!

"Rose do you hear me", his voice now sounded a bit closer, "Are you alright?"

My mind stopped racing and I could finally think straight. I blinked a few times and looked around. I saw Layla getting up on her shaky legs. Kayden was leaning at the wall and rubbing his head. I looked up to Adrian and saw bloody wound on the side of his forehead. He looked worried.

"Say something", he whispered as he put his hands on my cheeks. He was sitting, his back leaning on the wall and I was in his arms. He looked deeply into my eyes. I blinked again trying to sharpen my vision. It didn't really work because of all that dust that was flying around. Only thing that was clear were Adrian's green, glowing eyes. I couldn't believe that those beautiful eyes made me cringe in disgust just a few weeks ago.

"I'm fine", I croaked and caught. There was a lot of dust. Adrian looked into my eyes for a few long moments and then, right then and there I saw infamous change. I literally saw his eyes going from warm, worried and loveable to cold, reserved ones.

I bit inside of my cheek. That side of him I didn't want to face. Maybe I was scared of what he would say to hurt me this time. Therefore I jumped on my feet and got as far from him as I could. Of course I tripped a few times, but I succeeded not to fall on my butt.

I had no idea what I felt and in that moment I didn't want to think about that. Instead I focused at the situation we were in.

I looked around the small space we were in. Floor was full of booby-traps. Ceiling broke and split the room in two parts. We were trapped under it in other half. Windows were smashed and glass was everywhere. Door was on the other side. We were on highest floor of the building and we had no way out.

I was trapped in school with Adrian on my birthday...just wonderful.

I sighed and sat on the floor. Layla came and sat beside me. On the opposite side were Adrian and in between us - Kayden.

Layla gave me a side hug and I just sank into it closing my eyes and ignoring pulsing on the back of my head.

Silence filled the room and it felt so unnatural, especially with Kayden present. Also there was that sickening smell of cement mixed with burned chemicals which was significantly contributing to the crappy mood.

After some time I slightly opened my eyes with a sigh. Layla squeezed me a bit tighter and I smiled. That smile looked so out of place and time but throughout this year I concluded that a smile is always a good thing, even in the moments like this.

I scanned the room quickly. Adrian had his head in his hands and Kayden was standing with his arms crossed. Nobody said a thing for quite some time.

I hate silence. Something big always happens after silence, but this one didn't feel like it actually. It wasn't tense, it was awkward. So there is a good thing. Nothing big was going to happen.

The discussion in my mind was interrupted by Layla.

"So, who did this?" she asked.

As soon as those words left her mouth, Kayden jumped.

"Finally, I thought we're going to shut up for an eternity", he said and then he turned to Adrian, "I told you I could be quiet"

I saw that Layla was trying to hold back a smile, but I only got that because of many years of experience. To everyone else she seemed annoyed. She raised an eyebrow, got up and quickly pulled her dress down.

"We have two options", Adrian said still sitting and not looking at me, "Either humans did this or Ultrrians"

"No shit, Sherlock", Layla said quietly so only I could hear her.

"Humans would aim our prince", Kayden said and did dramatic bow to Adrian and continued, "But I don't understand what Ultrrians would get from this"

"Maybe they wanted to scare..."

"My dad", I interrupted Adrian.

"Our leader", Layla added. For a few moments everyone seemed to be lost in thought. Maybe no one was aimed. Maybe someone did it to prove a point or something. But it was weird how both of us, Adrian and me were here.

"So, that ass is your dad", Kayden said. I rolled my eyes.

"Ha-ha not funny", Layla said although I knew she actually agreed with him – maybe I did too. She took a few steps towards him with her hands crossed on her chest.

"You can stop pretending, I know you want me", Kayden stated with mischievous spark in his eyes and his usual smirk.

"Oh, get over yourself, only person who loves you is yourself", Layla said as she glared at him.

"Yes and I love myself very much."

She raised an eyebrow at him, again, as she took few more steps to him ready to punch him right in the face.

"How do we get out of here?" I said as I tried to calm the situation down. It did work, kind of, well, enough for Layla to step back. She turned her back on Kayden and stood beside me. She turned her head to me as her eyes instantly went to wall right behind us. Her eyes went wide.

"There is a spider", she said quietly as she started to go backwards away from the wall. This wouldn't be so bad if she isn't hysterically afraid of them and with that said, we really had a problem.

"He is moving," Kayden said trying to provoke her, "oh - no."

So childish; both of them.

"What?" Layla said scared as she looked at him concerned.

"He is on your head", he said as a smirk appeared on his face.

Little did he know that what he just did wasn't so smart. I believe that he was entertained, but he made a big mistake.

Layla screamed very loudly and that piercing sound did not just make our eardrums hurt.

Dust started falling from above and shaking begun. The shaking was strong enough to split wall above us into two pieces.

Last thing I saw was Kayden saving Layla from one big piece of wall that was falling straight at her.

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