•1• How It Began

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•Flash back•

"Long ago there were two kingdoms during the Middle Ages of Japan. The kingdoms never got along and always had war. Their kingdoms were divided with a border of a river and both kingdoms sat at both sides of the river. They believed that the ancient God Kuriochi kept them at war and we believed that if you have truly a strong love for a person and beg him he'll bring that person back from the dead."

"R-Really mommy..?" I asked listening to her story.
She nodded her head. "They both threatened each other to kill their princes, or princess if they ever crossed each other. So they had war near the ocean tides by the docks. Towards the end of the river. That's why you must never go near the river, Mikasa."

I nodded my head. "I won't mommy." She smiled.
Chen walked up to the door, " YOUR HIGHNESS RUN!" Then he was brutally stabbed. Moms eyes widen and grabbed me and carried me to a closet.

"Stay here. And don't make any sounds or movement." I nodded my head as she closed the door.

The closet was made of rice screen. Mom screamed as the door opened an inch and a man stabbed her. She lied on the floor with her face on the open inch of the sliding door and whispered, "I love you."

Then blood spilled from her mouth.
I shook in fear trying not to make a noise like mom said. I watched the blood crawl into the closet.

"M-Mommy..?" I whispered as tears slowly streamed down my face.
Blood slowly spilled crawling on the floor.

The door opened as the man grabbed me by the hair as a loud scream escaped my mouth. He clenched the katana in his hand pinning me to the wall by my neck pointing the katana one inch away from my grey eyes.

This is it...the end..."Wait!" Said another man. "Don't kill her she's valuable." The man let go of me as I catch my breath.

"Take her to the courtyard." The man nodded and grabbed me.
We walked to the courtyard as he threw me on the ground in front of daddy.

"Mikasa thank goodness your oka-" a man cut him off by kicking his stomach as he coughed blood.
"Now princess were from the Zheng tribe. You may be only 7 years old but choose wisely."

I shook in fear as a shiver ran down my spine.
"One day when if you ever step on the war grounds to escape Japan we threaten to kill you even if you ever join war. If you don't agree we threaten to kill your father right here, right now."


"MIKASA DON'T DO IT!" Daddy yelled.
Tears swelled up in my eyes and rushed down my cheeks.
Fear was taking control of my body...

"So what's your answer princess...?"
I-I don't know...
He nodded at a man as another man kicked father.

"Your fathers waiting..." He whispered in my ear.
"WERE WAITING!" He kicked father.

He and his meh kept kicking and hitting father as blood and bruises soaked his body.

"STOP!!" I screamed.

"HES WAITING PRINCESS MIKASA!" He placed the katana again at his throat.
"DEAL!!!!" I screamed to the sky. "J-Just please don't hurt daddy..." My voice cracked.

He threw him to the floor. "Remember we'll always be watching." He walked away with his men.

From that day on I knew there was no such thing as safe for me...for my people...for anyone...

We were now declared enemies.
Father said I cannot never go near the river. Never...

It's been eight years since the Zheng tribe threatened us. And they always kept an close eye on us...all of us...

I sat down on the outside floor watching Jean and Connie fight as Sasha sat next to me blabbing about food as always.

Sasha and I grew up together since young. She's been coming almost every day...she's like a sister to me.

Connie threw a lower attack aiming for the knees but Jean blocked as Connie's sword went flying pinned to the dirt.

"I WIN! Beat that Connie." He snickered.
"Fine here a hundred yen." He sighed in complaint as he handed Jean a hundred yen.

He looked at me with his cocky face. "Did that impress you Mikasa?" I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Yes! It did! You did wonderful." I said with sarcasm.
He laughed. "Think you can beat me?"
I smirked. "Maybe."

He threw me a sword. "Come on princess. Challenge me." The smirk grew wider on my face as I nodded and put my sandals on.

"MIKASA KICK HIS ASS!" Sasha shouted.
I nodded my head focusing on Jean.

"Hajmén!" Connie shouted. As soon as he shouted thought I knocked the sword out of Jeans hand kicked his stomach, used my other hand to pin him down on the floor and pointed my sword at him.

"That was quick..." Connie said.
"Hm-mph!" Sasha said biting down on a rice ball.

"There I win." I threw my sword at the side of his head.
I took my sandals off and sat back on the wood.

"Okay what do I owe you." He stood up rubbing his head.
"Owe every one of us lunch from the town." I smirked.

"Yeah!" Sasha said continuing to eat the rice ball.
"Why town food you have the royal castle to feed you!"
"I always wanted to try food from the town!" I said with a laugh.

"Alright fine." He mumbled.
"Yay!" Connie and Sasha yelled as we put our sandals on and headed into town.


"Come on you can do better than that!" Yelled Master Levi.
"I know I guess I'm just sleepy today." I said rubbing my head.

He walked over and handed me a cup of water. "Drink and continue playing the flute." I nodded as I drank my water and placed it next to me.

"I'm ready."
"Now play."
I played the song of the ocean tides wars that I'll be attending in a month or two.

After a couple of minutes I finally finished.
"Better." He whacked me with a bamboo stick.
"Hey! What the hell!" I snapped holding my head.

"Just making sure your fully awake." He smirked.
I sighed of frustration as I put my flute away.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your highness but, your father called for you." I nodded as I stood up and walked away from the music room.

After a little bit I finally made it to the throne room.
I walked over in front of his throne and bowed.

"Sit down Eren." I sat on my knees waiting for father.

"I'm going to a meeting in Asia. I want you in charge of the kingdom and the festival coming up on Friday."

I nodded.

"Be on your best behavior. Understood?"
"Yes father."

"You may leave now." I stood up and opened the rice door. "And please take care of your mother."

I stood there thinking. I nodded once more as I closed the door.

Hi Tyler-San here I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I really don't think it was good but I was planning on this for quite a while.
Please do check out my other stories. Vote! Comment on how I did and if you read to wish more! Thank you!!

I'll see you in the next chapter!


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