• 3 • Friends or Foe?

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I slowly caught my breath as Eren handed me a rice ball.
"Here you should eat." He offered.
I grabbed the rice ball and started eating it.

"Sorry it might be kind of cold..." He chuckled.
"No worries. Sorry my name is Mikasa." I took another bite.
A soft smile came to his face.

We sat on the hill by the other side of the river eating, staring at the sunset.

"So why are you here? Let's be friends." He asked.
I suddenly stop eating the half way eaten rice ball.

My painful memories flooded my brain...my mind...
"M-Mikasa...?" He asked slightly tilting his head.

Tears slowly swelled up in my grey eyes.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked.
Tears rushed down my pale cheeks.

Eren frowned as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Must be pretty bad...I'm out here for a reason too...must be as bad as yours..."

"My father...i-is forcing me to g-get married to some one I don't want to get married with!" I raged as I stood up and threw the rice ball.

I screamed as I threw it into the river.
"Mikasa..." He mumbled.
"WHAT?!" I yelled.
He stayed silent.

I sat down with a sigh.
"Sorry...may I ask why your out here?" I looked at him.

"My mother...died..." I frowned as he tried to hold in his tears.
"I'm sorry for your loss..." I mumbled.

"Where are you from...?" He asked.
I pointed across the river.
"There. Where are you from?" I asked.
He pointed behind him.

Both of our eyes widen as we stepped away.
"I should have known!" I yelled.
"Wait you are..." He pointed at as I looked down to the side. " the princess of that kingdom..." I nodded my head.

"Does that means we aren't friends anymore...?" I asked.
He shook his head, "No I don't care if you are the princess of Shima it doesn't change it...we'll still be friends...best friends..." I smiled.

He offered his hand out, "Friends...?" He asked. "Best friends." I shook his hand.

A smile came to both of our faces as our hands were still holding.
"Let's meet here at this time everyday." He said.
"Okay!" I replied.

Our hands released.
"Oh I must go now..." I mumbled.
"Alright I should too. See you tomorrow." He hopped on his horse.

"See you tomorrow..." I jumped across the river and made my way back home.

I finally arrived at the gates, they were closed.
Just as I was about to reach my hand out to open it the gates opened themselves.

Christa came out with a sweet smile plastered on her face.
"Welcome back Princess Mi-" she stopped as her eyes widen.
I looked around me. "What is it Chr-"
"Your highness what happen to your clothes! It's all ripped!" She said with worry.

It must have been that wolf...

"I'm fine Christa, promise!" I said with a fake smile.
She glared at me. "I know that fake smile anywhere your highness. Come we'll get you cleaned before dinner." She dragged me inside as the guards closed the gates. From some reason when I thought of Eren...my face turned red... Eren...


I finally arrived at the kingdom as my horse made its way through the village.
When I made it open first thing Armin opened it.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked innocently.
"What happened where have you been!?"
"That doesn't matter...where's father? Has he returned..?"
He shook his head.

"Look at you! You must be cleaned before he returns!" I jumped off the horse as Armin hauls me away and the guards put my horse back in his stall.

I hope I didn't get blood over me while rescuing Mikasa...she look so beautiful-
My face turned red. Why am I thinking like that?!

I couldn't help it. My face was heating up. Thank god Armin wasn't noticing.

I tried shaking off the thought. Even though it wouldn't go away.

"Your highness don't forget to worship God Kuriochi." I nodded my head.
Somethings telling me I shouldn't revive mum. I might need it for something else.

Mikasa... I thought. Her beautiful face invaded my mind- AGH EREN! C-Come on she wouldn't like a guy like me right...?

I changed out of clothes and made my way to the worship room.
I closed the door and sat on my knees.
Kuriochi was believed to be a demon dragon.

But this demon was kind. He revived people from the dead that's if they had a true heart. They need to believe in him and worship him 3 times every week.

I lit the candles and prayed.
After I finished I blew the candles off and made my way out.

I decided to play my flute and play the song Ocean tides the one I've been practicing for quite a while.
I really wanted to lift her spirits up...

That's it! My face lit up. Tomorrow I'll teach her how to play!

Hi guys Tyler-San here. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Was it good..? Comment or vote if it was. I wanted to say sorry from my last account it decided to say "Hi there Tyler-San you don't want me to shut down and delete all your work. WELP TOO BAD!" And it shut down...-_- Anyways thanks so much for reading. And as always I'll see you in the next chapter. BUH-BYE!!!

Tyler-San #NerdyPandaz❤️🎻🐼

ErenXMikasa: Lovers of WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora