• 7 • Its just the beginning

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Third POV

Mikasa stood up angrily as the wind shut the window tight hiding the white sail.

She threw the flute to the floor! As she ran she accidentally spilled Armins red tea.

"PRINCESS!" Armin yelled after her as she ran off.
Mikasa felt sad and sorrow. How could the Zheng tribe do this!? Mikasa thought.

Why did they have to do this...their going to pay for it...Mikasa's thought continued spinning in her head.

Armin stood there and dropped to his knees...
"Eren..." Mumbled Armin.

Eren stepped out of the white sail boat as they carried their dead solider out of the black sail.

Eren looked at the war house noticing that Mikasa was gone...
He saw Armin sitting on his knees...

He quickly ran into the war house as he saw the flute he gave her and the spilled red tea.

Eren immediately thought it was her blood.
Anger overwhelmed him...his soul...

"Your highness..." Armin mumbled...
"Armin..." Armin looked at him noticing that his body was quivering and his fist were in tight balls that were shaking furiously.

"Your highness I-"

Armin was silent. He tried telling him what actually happened but he ran off.

"Eren!" Armin yelled.

Mean while as Mikasa ran back to her kingdom sobbing the sky began to darken and drizzle.

She finally arrived at the village of her kingdom. She walked through the village as many of her people bowed to her.

She looked at a necklace in a store noticing that the one Eren gave her was similar to the one in the store.

She placed her half of necklace in her hand Eren gave to her as thoughts of him invaded her mind.
"Eren..." Her voice cracked.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as two men took her away...


"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed kicking my legs. Sasha, Connie, and Jean ran after the men and tried helping me be released  from their grasp.

"LET GO OF HER!" Sasha yelled throwing rocks at them. Connie kept hitting them with his staff as Jean went free hand.

"ENOUGH!" Yelled a familiar voice.
We all looked up and saw father glaring, but he wasn't alone. Ymir was standing by his side with her usual ugly smirk on her face.

"Mikasa...we need to talk. Now." I looked at the men realizing that this was the Zheng Tribe.

They dragged me to the castle and into the throne room.
As I looked behind me they closed the sliding doors with Jean, Sasha, and Connie looking through.

"So Princess..." Said the leader. "You've been at the river lately...haven't you?"

I stayed silent only looking down at the floor. "We've known you for a long time. You can't say we don't know you well..you fell in love with Prince Eren correct?"

I stayed silent.
"I see...your execution will take place in one week...your fathers first...not to mention there's another war in two days..." He walked around the room.

He stopped walking around and stood in front of me. "Get out of my sight." He slapped my face.

His men dragged me out of the throne room. And threw me outside.
"Mikasa!" Sasha yelled as she came to my side and helped me up.

"Are you okay?" Connie asked.
"They're going to-"
"We already heard everything.." Jean looked to the side.

"We need 1 or 2 men from each family to join the army!!" Yelled a servant as Jean and Connie went out and grabbed their scroll.

I have an idea...I need to take revenge some how...My thought made a smile appear on my smile.


I slithered through the castle going room to room gathering materials I'm going to need. I put on the lightest and strongest armor and Jeans scroll.

I finally made my way to the weapon room and grabbed two katanas.
I pulled it out of its holder. The sword was so clean I saw my face.

"Good bye old friend..." I smiled.
I gathered all my hair in one place held the Katana close and...cut!

I cut my hair short to the bottom of my neck.
I stood up and lit the candle showing my reflection on the mirror.

I looked like a boy...I took the cherry blossom in my hair off as it floated it's way to the burning candle...

I smiled at myself in the mirror.
"This isn't the end Zheng..." I mumbled
"This is just the beginning..."

Hi guys and Merry Christmas every one!! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Years even if you don't celebrate Christmas!
Next chapter may come up tomorrow depending on meh schedule!!!!!! >~<
Thanks so much for reading I hope your enjoying this book! BUH-BYE!

~ Tyler Lee-Chan #NerdyPandaz🤓🐼🎻❤️

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