• 9 • Am I dreaming?

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Third POV

I pulled my sword out slaughtering many of the Zheng tribe soldiers and Suski with anger.

"Damn Jean! You must be thirsty for blood." I smirked and nodded.
"DIE!!" I yelled stabbing a Zheng in the heart through his back.

Another Zheng came running at me as I threw the dead one at him pulled out my sword and stabbed him through the head. I side kicked another while stabbing his eye out.

"ALL OF YOU WILL DIE!!!" I screamed.


I slaughtered too many Zheng they just keep coming. I noticed one of them had bombs.
"EVERYONE MOVE OUTTA THE WAY!!" He pulled the grenades killing himself and some of my soldiers.

"Dammit..." I mumbled. I got back up slaughtering anyone that wasn't on my kingdom in the way.

Just on time our boats came in ready to bom- WHAT?!
Shima had boats too?!

"DAMMIT!" Just then both boats were firing at each other.


Bertholt and I stopped realizing that Marco and Reiner were on that boat.
We exchanged looks thinking the same thing.

"REINER!!" Bertholt yelled.
"MARCO!!" I yelled with him.

Just then both of the boats fell into pieces.
We both took cover waiting for the explosion to end.
When it was over I looked over seeing Reiner and a couple of other people survived.

"Are you guys okay?" Bertholt asked.
"Yeah we're fine.." Reiner replied.

"Where's Marco..?" I asked.
Reiner frowned.
"No..." Bertholt mumbled.

"L-Lets keep going." I said
I kept running making my way towards Suski.

I will avenge...I will slaughter...I will avenge...I grabbed my swords kneeing a soldier and stabbing it's head.

I kept killing anything that came in my way!

Finally some one knocked my helmet off. My eyes widen looking towards the person who did it.

It was a boy my age with teal eyes and brunette hair.
I held the sword tight in my grasp eyeing him with danger in my eyes.

He glared at me and charged towards me. I held my sword high in the air and for revenge I knocked his helmet off too..


Dammit! This persons a challenge! I must KILL!!!!!
I noticed how when he jumped he had Mikasa's necklace...MIKASA!
I knocked her helmet off as she knocked mine off.

Her eyes widen in unison and put her guard down.
"But I thought you were dead!?" We yelled at the same time. We both hugged each other never wanting to ever let go...

I stroked her beautiful black silky hair.
"You cut it...smart girl..." I mumbled.
She hugged me tighter.

I released the hug and looked into her eyes. Our forehead touched letting my tough skin touch her smooth skin.

Our eyes met as our lips slowly touched.
It felt like the universe vanished...the world turned upside down...the sky has fallen...and like we were the only ones here.

We released once again embracing each other.
"YOU BRAT!" Yelled a man grabbing and throwing Mikasa to the floor.

"I should have trusted my instincts and known how clever you are!!" Yelled the leader.

I stood in front of her pointing my sword at him. "Touch her and I'll cut you into pieces..." Every one stopped and looked at us.

"Every one bow! ITS THE PRINCESS!" Every one bowed to their knees except the leader and me.

Third POV

Reiner, and Bertholt eyes were widen and so was the Jeans and Connie's.

"No way..." Bertholt mumbled.

"Princess Mikasa...you just committed a suicidal act by stepping on the war grounds and by the river..." Yelled Kuichi (the leader)

Two men pulled Mikasa away from Eren as they both screamed their names to each other.

They took off some of her armor to make it easier.
"Mikasa!" Eren tried running towards her. But they sat him on his knees and tied his hands.

They also sat Mikasa on her knees as a tear ran down her cheek.
I'm so sorry mother... Mikasa thought.
I failed you...

"LET GO OF ME!" Eren yelled moving around.
"Shut up!" They smacked his head.
Eren had tears swelling up in his eyes.

"You don't have to do this!" He yelled trying to convince the men.
"We do...cause we made a deal princess.." He glared at her.

"PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" Eren yelled again.
Tears were now steaming down his face with fear.

Mikasa smiled looking at Eren.

Kuichi raised his sword high in the air aiming for Mikasa's head.

Mikasa looked and saw everyone with shock and fear in their eyes.
So this is the end...it was a good life...she thought with a smile.

"Please...please..." Eren murmured under his breath.

"Remember the world...is..cruel...I love you..." Mikasa whispered to him with the most warmest, widest, and meaningful smile she's ever put on her face.


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