Chapter 11- Falling For A Thug

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One stupid mistake can change everything

When I woke up there was no trace that Blaze was even in my room the previous night. I sat up and clenched the covers to my bare chest as I looked around my empty room.

Last night I didn't lose my virginity but some things did happen. I let him touch me, and now I regret it because he's gone. It felt good in the moment of course, but now I realize how big of an idiot I am. I tried calling him on his phone but I got no answer.

"How could I be so stupid?" I asked as I buried my face in my hands. Now I'm just one of the girls that Blaze has messed with. This is what he does, he gets what he wants and leaves.

But I just never thought that he would do this to me.

I laid back down on the pillow and frowned when I realized that it smelled just like him. I threw it across the room and stomped off to the bathroom angrily. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and noticed hickey's on my chest and a few on my neck. I slowly reached up and touched one as a tear rolled down my cheek.

How could I be so stupid? Fuck Blaze.

I turned the shower on and hopped in, letting the hot water hit me and wash off Blaze's touch. I scrubbed my body with my body wash and even washed my hair to let my natural curly hair show. I hopped out the shower and wrapped the towel around me before going back into my room. Just as I did my dad walked in the room.

"Go ahead and get dressed, we going to the mall," he informed me, I nodded my head and he walked out. I lotioned my body and got dressed in a pair of black shorts and a red loose tanktop and red vans. I left my hair curly so that it was covering up my neck because the last thing I wanted was for my dad to see.When I was finished I left my room and realized everyone else was already dressed and ready as they ate breakfast..

"Morning," I smiled softly and they all spoke back.

"You look pretty," my little sister told me.

"Thanks, you do too," I told her before I fixed me a plate and sat down at the table with them, joining in on the conversation. As I was eating I noticed my phone vibrating repeatedly under the table, I sighed and glanced at it.

Bestfriend😏: yoooo come to the beach with us tonight.

Bestfriend😏: wake up boooo

Bestfriend😏: girl get yo ass up

Bestfriend😏: im lonely cause everybody still sleep. Except chuck, that nigga eating

Bestfriend😏: i hate you

What do you want Jermaine? 😂😂

Bestfriend😏: YAYY! I love you, now come to the beach with us tonight after our drop

I will if y'all be safe

Bestfriend😏: we got this girl, so you coming?

Yeah I guess so

Bestfriend😏: alright I'll text you later, love you

Love you too crazy

While I was at the mall with my dad, he let all of us get whatever we wanted to. The twins got just about every pair of shoes there was in the store. But I was happy to be spending time with them.

"Mommy, I want a pretzel," I heard my little brother Alex say.

"I'll go get you one in a second," she told him.

Falling For A ThugWhere stories live. Discover now