Chapter 36- Falling For A Thug

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We're a team. Whatever you lack, I got you. We will balance each other out. Minor setback? Guess we'll have a major comeback. Bad day? Well I promise you a better night. You need support? I'll be your backbone. I'll keep you motivated and at the top, always. As long as you appreciate me and remain consistent you don't ever have to doubt my loyalty. You got me, I got us. But ride or die means you're always there for one another. In the good times and in the bad. So that means when things get bad for me, you can't leave. Cause baby I promise you everyday isn't gonna be sunshine and smiles.


One week later.

we need to talk, now

Blaze 😍❤️: can't, busy

doing what??

Blaze 😍❤️: getting a tat

a tattoo? of what?

Blaze 😍❤️: I'll show you when it's done... gimme a min

I rolled my eyes and placed my phone on the bed in annoyance. I don't know what's been up with him but he's been so distant lately. We've only talked twice this week, and the only time he talked to me was to ask how I was or if I needed something. I need to talk to him now to ask if I did something because I don't want it to be awkward tension between us at the baby's revealing party.

Also, it's been rumors going around about him being the father of Sasha's baby that I need to ask about.

About thirty minutes later, he still hasn't texted me back so I called him but it went straight to voicemail. I rolled my eyes and walked out my room to go get me a snack.

"Where are the pickles?" I asked my brother Chase.

(S/N for clarification, the twins names are Chance and Chase, they're eleven. She has a little sister that's eight named Ayanna and a six year old brother named Alex. They haven't been in the book a lot, but their characters will be around more)

"You put them in the freezer, remember?" he answered me, I nodded and opened the freezer to pull out my pickles. I grabbed the peanut butter and kool aid before taking a seat next to him on the island.

"What color are you wearing to the party?" I asked as I dipped the pickle in the peanut butter, he gave me a disgusted look and pretended to gag. When you're pregnant, you have weird cravings so don't judge.

"Blue, I want it to be a boy," he told me and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm wearing pink cause I want a little girl " I told him. Jermaine and Miya are in charge of the gender revealing party and one of the rules were to wear blue if you think the baby is a boy, or pink if you think the baby is a girl.

"Of course you do, Ayanna is wearing pink too."

"Speaking of her, where is she?" I asked looking around, I haven't seen her around all day.

"She went with mom to go pick up Nana and poppa, they're staying the weekend for the party. I think Kyla and them are coming too," he informed me causing me to smile. I don't hang around my family a lot so I was happy they were all coming down to support me.

"Dad didn't go?"

"Nope, he's up in the room."

"Oh.. I'll be right back," I mumbled grabbing my food and heading up the stairs to talk to my dad. He's not the happiest that I'm pregnant but he's kind of gotten over it. Only bad thing is he hates Blaze now and blames him for everything. On my way to his room, my phone vibrated from a text that Blaze sent.

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