Chapter 25- Falling For A Thug

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I learned not to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do; I learned to suspect that anyone and everyone is capable of 'living a lie'. I came to believe that other people- even when you think you know them well- are ultimately unknowable.

**IMPORTANT ‼️ okay to all my rr this is where you will notice the book starting to be a little different, but nothing dramatic I promise. Don't be mad it's changes that needed to happen :) thanks love yall**


My flight landed two hours ago from Miami and I decided to go home and take a nap before I went to see Mookie. I wanted to be well rested before I went to her to explain everything. Maybe I'll take her out to dinner?

I was laying in my bed just drifting off to sleep when I suddenly woke up due to a loud banging on my door downstairs.

I thought that if I just didn't open the door, they would leave but no, they banged louder and harder. It got so bad that I could hear Coco barking angrily in the back yard.

Whoever knocking on my door better have a good fucking reason for being this damn ignorant. I angrily got out my bed and stomped down the stairs and they were still banging.

"Hold the fuck on! Damn," I snapped but that didn't stop them. "Who the fuck is-" I begun as I swung the door open but stopped mid sentence when I saw it was Mookie. "Babe what the hell are you doing?" I asked confused as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with a sigh.

"Well I hope you had a good nap," she says shoving pass me and stormed inside my house. I stood at the door confused as I looked after her.

"You mad cause I didn't call you? I'm sorry, I just wanted a nap first then I was gonna come-" I tried to explain but she cut me off.

"Is there anything you wanna tell me?" she asks and I froze before scratching my head.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you been lying to me? I really just want you to be honest with me and stop keeping secrets because I can't deal with this shit anymore Blaze-"

"Let me guess. Natalia talked to you?" I questioned as I folded my arms and rose a brow. I knew this shit was going to happen. Her eyes widened and pain flashed through them.

"So it's true then?"

"Woah, woah, woah. I never said that. What did she say to you? I promise I won't lie to you."

"Did you, or did you not try to hook up with my bestfriend behind my back?" She asked through clenched teeth. I rolled my eyes and easily answered.

"I did not."

I ain't that damn trifling.

"I saw the messages, Blaze? Please don't lie to me anymore than you already have. That's my best friend! And then to top things off, you lied to me about Miami too! You literally went down there to have sex with some girl behind my back! And don't even try to deny it because I saw the pictures of y'all boo'ed up at the beach. Trust me, they were real cute."

"Sex in Miami?" I repeated scrunching up my face. "I haven't had sex since I made that promise to you a few months ago so what the fuck are you talking about? And I don't want your raggedy ass best friend!"

"Yes sex in Miami! Natalia told me she saw you with that girl and then she showed me the messages between the two of you of you trying to get to her. Do you know how bad that hurt me to see that and to hear that? Or do you just not give a damn about me? Was this all some joke to you?" she spoke with her voice raising slightly as tears began to fall from her eyes. Fuck.

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