Latin Phrases C

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Cacoethes scribendi
Insatiable desire to write

Cadavera vero innumera

Truly countless bodies

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
Kill them all. For the Lord knows those who are his.

Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt
Those who hurry across the sea change the sky [upon them], not their souls or state of mind.

Caesar non supra grammaticos
Caesar has no authority over the grammarians
(Political power is limited; it does not include power over grammar)

caetera desunt
The rest is missing

Calix meus inebrians
My cup making me drunk

Calamus gladio fortiori
The pen is mightier than the sword.

Camera obscura
Dark chamber

Cane Nero Magna Bella Persica
Tell, oh Nero, of the great wars of Persia

Canes pugnaces
War dogs (or fighting dogs)

Canis canem edit
Dog eats dog

Capax Dei
Capable of receiving God

Capax Infiniti
Holding the Infinite

Caput inter nubile (condit)
(she plunges) [her] head in the clouds

Caput mortuum
Dead head

Caritas Christi
The love of Christ

Caritas in Veritate
Charity in Truth

Carpe Diem
Seize the day

Carpe noctem
Seize the night

Carpe vinum
Seize the wine

Carthago delenda est
Carthage must be destroyed

Castigat ridendo mores

One corrects customs by laughing at them

Casus belli
Event of war

Causa latet, vis est notissima
The cause is hidden, but the result is well known.

Causa mortis
Cause of death


Cave canem
Beware of the dog

Caveat emptor
Let the buyer beware

Caveat venditor
Let the seller beware

Cedant arma togae
Let arms yield to the gown

Cedere nescio
I Know Not How to Yield

Celer- Silens- Mortalis

Celerius quam asparagi cocuntur
More swiftly than asparagus [stems]s are cooked

Cepi Corpus
I have taken the body

Certum est quod certum redid potest
It is certain whatever can be rendered certain

Cessante ratione legis Cessat ipsa lex
When the reason for the law ceases, the law itself ceases

Cetera desunt

The rest are missing

Ceteris Paribus
All other things being equal

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