Character Archetypes

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Analyst: Can explain anything rationally. Ex: Mr. Spock

Anti-Hero: The hero who didn't ask to get involved but does. Ex: Sarah Connor, Wolverine

Benefactor: Has a whole lot of something he wants to share. Ex: Miss Havisham

Bully: Has no tolerance for weakness, especially in himself. Ex: Scut Farkus (Christmas Story)

Bureaucrat: Follows the rules no matter what. Ex: Hermione Granger

Caretaker: Cares for others. Ex: Digory Kirke

Catalyst: Makes things happen.

Child: Could be a literal child or just living like one. Ex: Wally McDoogle, Peter Pan

Coward: Afraid of everything, controlled by fear. Ex: Adrian Monk, Cowardly Lion, Alexandra Rover

Curmudgeon: Irritable and cynical and proud of it. Ex: Ebenezer Scrooge

Dreamer: Longs to be something else. Ex: Annie, William Thatcher (A Knight's Tale)

Elder/mentor/teacher/parent: Been around long enough to know some vital information. Ex: Ben Kenobi, Mufassa.

Explorer/wanderer: Wants to see the world- could be running from something.

Extraordinary man: The guy who can do anything. Ex: Indiana Jones, James Bond.

Gossip: Must be the first to know everything and the one to pass it on. Ex: Rachel Lynde.

Guardian: Protects the weak

Hedonist/thrill-seeker: Lives for today in case tomorrow never comes.

Herald/messenger: The bringer of news, good, bad, or necessary

Hermit/loner: Just wants to be left alone. Ex: Phil Hercules, Martin Riggs (Lethal Weapon)

Hunter/predator: Can catch or kill anything. Ex: Terminator

Innocent: An inexperienced individual exposed to the evils in the world. Ex: Dorothy Gale

Introvert: Lives inside his shell to prevent anyone from seeing the real him. Ex: Gabriella Montez

Investigator: Thrives on puzzles and riddles. Ex: Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes

Judge/mediator: The arbitrator or peacemaker in a conflict.

Leader: Always knows the best thing to do- and the people hollow him. Ex: William Wallace

Magician/wizard/superhero: Has special powers or abilities. Ex: Superman, Harry Potter

Manipulator: Plays with people and situations to get what he wants. Ex: Scarlett O'Hara

Martyr: Willing to suffer or die for others or a cause.

Masochist: Finds pleasure in torturing himself, denying himself- may take on too much.

Masquerader: Pretends to be something he's not.

Monster: A depraved beast. Ex: Gollum, Grendel (Beowulf)

Ordinary man: Average Joe, like you or me or your neighbour. Ex: Dr Richard Kimball, Frodo Baggins.

Penitent: Lives to atone for his sin.

Perfectionist: Every action and word must be flawless.

Pleaser/show-off: Craves approval from anyone and may do anything to get it.

Poet: Life is art, be that through story, song, painting or sculpture.

Rebel/revolutionary: Stands opposed to the status quo and fights for his cause.

Rogue: Looks out for himself and no one else. Ex: Han Solo

Saboteur/betrayer: For whatever reason, he will make sure something fails. Ex: Edmund Pevensie

Samaritan: Does good deeds wherever he goes.

Scholar: Wants to learn.

Sensualist: Addicted to feeling good about himself.

Slave: Does not belong to himself. Ex: Dobby the house elf.

Survivor: Pulls through no matter what happens, doesn't give up.

Sycophant: Self-seeking, flatterer, who works to please those in power. Ex: Smee (Peter Pan)

Temptress: Uses power (intellect, magic, beauty) to make others weak. Ex: Megara (Hercules)

Thief: Takes what he wants or needs. Ex: Philippe Gaston (LadyHawke), Jean Valjean

Trickster/jester: Always looking for the humour in a situation. Ex: Fred and George Weasley

Tyrant: Must be in control at all times. Ex: Captain Hook

Victim: Was hurt by someone or lives in fear that someone will hurt him. Ex: Claireece "Precious" Jones

Villain: Seeks to destroy/trap the hero. Ex: Evil Queen in Snow White, Lex Luthor

Waif: Appears innocent and weak and often relies on the pity of others. Ex: The Kid (Dick Tracy)

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