Beating a Diagnosis or Condition

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Character's Goal
(Outer Motivation): Beating an illness

Forms This Might Take:
Determining to overcome an illness that can be deadly, like cancer or HIVLearning to live with a chronic illness (fibromyalgia, diabetes, STDs, lupus, etc.)Learning to live with decreased physical mobility (due to paralysis, loss of a limb, a disease like polio or cerebral palsy, a stroke, etc.)Coming to grips with a diagnosis of mental illness

Human Need Driving the Goal
(Inner Motivation): safety and security

How the Character May Prepare for This Goal:
Adopting a healthier lifestyle (eating organic foods, exercising more, getting more sleep, etc.)

Researching the illness or condition

Seeking a second opinion

Resorting to options one may previously have disdained (natural remedies, homeopathic medicine, spiritual healers, etc.)

Trying any option, even risky or questionable ones

Becoming more spiritual than one was

Bargaining with God (if you heal me I'll go to church more/be kinder/give up a habit/etc.)

Cutting out negative influences

Participating in medical trials or taking experimental drugs

Identifying the stressors in one's life and getting rid of them (cutting back on work hours, resigning from an authority position on a board, etc.)

Taking more time to relax

Spending more time with family

Spending more time doing what one loves (writing, gardening, working out, fishing, etc.)

Expressing gratitude; viewing every day as a gift

Adopting a personal mantra, positive saying, or Bible verse

Giving up activities or hobbies that have become too strenuous

Recognizing one's new limits and accepting them

Accepting help from others

Accepting that one's life will be drastically different than it once was

Possible Sacrifices or Costs Associated With This Goal:
Having to give up beloved hobbies and pastimes that are too strenuous or taxing

Losing the respect of others who think the illness is all in one's head

Losing one's job due to wanting to cut out stress or spend more time at home

Missing out on promotions or advancements in one's career

Being unable to help others as one would like due to having to take care of oneself

Sacrificing quality of life in favor of gaining more time

Having to give up on lifelong dreams upon acknowledging the seriousness of one's condition

Having to give up certain friends due to a need to cut out negativity

Giving up one's independence and having to rely on others

Roadblocks Which Could Prevent This Goal from Being Achieved:
Side effects from drugs

Unforeseen health complications that make it difficult for one to get better (fatigue making exercise impossible, food allergies that make healthy eating difficult, etc.)


Negative thought patterns that encourage doubts about one's ability to get betterInept, indifferent, uninformed, or close-minded medical practitioners

Crappy health insurance

Not having the necessary financial resources

A lack of family support

Other medical conditions that complicate one's new diagnosis

Guilt over not being able to care for one's family as one once could

Addictions that make it harder for one to get better (alcohol interfering with medications, etc.)

Denial; wanting to get better but refusing to face all the facts and do what's necessary

Religious beliefs that get in the way of healing (relying on prayer and rejecting medical treatment, refusing any medical treatments that aren't "natural", rejecting surgery because it defiles the body, etc.)

Talents and Skills That Will Help the Character Achieve This Goal:


High Pain Tolerance


Possible Fallout For the Protagonist if This Goal Is Not Met:

Living a life that is less healthy and active than it could be

Falling away from friends and family members who can't watch one deteriorate without trying to get better

Self-doubt and self-loathing; hating what one has become and blaming oneself

A shortened remaining lifespan that leaves one in regret

Becoming highly negative

Becoming mired in resentment and anger that drives others away

Clichés to Avoid:
The amputee or paralysis victim who refuses treatment and begs for death, only to  eventually recognize the need to fight for his/her life

Deus ex machina cures that rob the character of the ability to heal himself (a miraculous faith healing, a supernatural healing phenomenon—being struck by lightning, a near-death experience, etc.)

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