Writing And Research Volunteers

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Hello my lovely community.
Tell me how you are all doing, plodding through life and creating exquisite stories.
I have got so many ideas for this book and so many requests for chapters to improve this community. I would love to do them all but I just find I am very short of time.
But do not give up hope.

I was hoping that I could recruit some willing volunteers to help do these chapters.

What would this role invole?
You would need to be willing to do your research. This may include finding one big source or several sources for just one chapter.

You could either do a chapter in my long list that needs to be done- or do a chapter that you think is either missing in the books or would be valuable to the community.

I am also thinking of extending this volunteer system to apply to my Name books as well.

What will you get out of it??!
That is an excellent question. Besides becoming a master researcher, and being extra knowledgable in the think that you researched- I will mention you in each chapter you help create.

When I post chapters I post at the bottom the source I located this information, generally with a link so people can see it's somewhat credible or go do more research themselves.
Before the sourcing list I will put who the chapter is sourced by: e.g You.

Your chapter would need to be emailed to me so I can publish it as soon as possible- with your wattpad username so people know who to thank.

For all interested volunteers, please Private Message me so we can discuss.

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