1950's Slang

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1. actor: show-off

2. agitate the Gravel: to leave (hot-rodders)

3. ain't that a bite?: that's too bad

4. ankle-biter: a child

5. anti-frantic: poised

6. apple butter: smooth talk or flattery

7. are you writing a book?: you're asking too many questions


8. baby: cute girl

9. back seat bingo: kissing while in a car

10. bad news: depressing person

11. bake biscuits; to make records

12. ballad: a love letter

13. bash: great party

14. bash ears: to talk

15. bent eight: a V-8 engine (hot-rodders)

16. Big Daddy: an older person

17. big tickle: really funny

18. binoculars: glasses

19. bit: an act

20. blanket: sandwich

21. blast: a good time

22. blow off: to defeat in a

race (hot-rodders)

23. bobbed: shortened

24. boss: great

25. bread: money

26. bug: "you bug me" - to bother

27. bull: a big and strong athlete

28. bundie: a boy in need of a haircut

29. burn rubber: to accelerate hard and fast (hot-rodders)


30. cast an eyeball: to look

31. cat: a hip person

32. chariot: car

33. chili: a good deal

34. chrome-plated: dressed up (hot-rodders, originally)

35. circled: married

36. clanked: rejected

37. classy chassis: great body

38. closet case: someone to be ashamed of

39. cloud 9: really happy

40. clutched: rejected

41. Clyde: term of address, usually for a normal person

42. come on snake, let's rattle!: may I have the next dance?

43. committed: engaged to be married

44. cook, cookin': doing it well

45. cool: indefinable quality that makes something or someone extraordinary

46. cool it: relax, settle down

47. cooties: imaginary infestations of the truly un-cool

48. cop a breeze: to leave

49. corral: a school yard

50. cranked: excited

51. crazy: "like crazy, man" Implies an especially good thing

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