Latin Phrases M

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Macte animo! Generose puer sic itur ad astra
Young, cheer up! This is the way to the skies.

Macte virtute sic itur ad astra
those hwo excel, thus reach the stars

Magister dixit
the teacher has said it

Magister meus Christus
Christ is my teacher

Magna Carta
Great Charter

Magna cum laude
with great praise

Magna di currant, parva neglegunt
The gods care about great matters, but they neglect sall ones

Magna est vis conseuetudinis
great is the power of habit

Magno cum gaudio
with great joy

Magnum opus
great work

Magnum vectigal est parsimonia
Economy is a great revenue

Maior e longinquo reverential
greater reverence from afar

Maiora premunt
greater things are pressing

Mala fide
in bad faith

Mala Ipsa Nova
Bad News Itself

Mala tempora currunt
bad times are upon us

Male captus bene detentus
wrongly captured, properly detained

Malo mori quam foedari
Death rather than dishonour

Malo pereiculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium
I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery

Malum discordiae
apple of discord

Malum in se
wrong in itself

Malum prohibitum
wrong due to being prohibited

Malum quo communius eo peius
the more common an evil is, the worse it is

Manu forte
literally translated means 'with a strong hand', often quoted as 'y strength of hand'

Minibus date lilia plenis
give lilites with full hands

Manu militari
with a military hand

Manu propria
with one's own hand

Manus manum lavat
one hand washes the other

Manus multae cor unum
many hands, one heart

Manus nigra
black hand

Market sine adversario virtus
valor becomes feeble without an opponent

Mare clausum
Closed sea

Mare Ditat, Rosa Decorat
The sea enriches, the rose adorns

Mare liberum
free sea

Mare nostrum
our sea

Mater dei
mother of God

Mater familias
the mother of the family

Mater semper certa est
the mother is always certain

Materia medica
Medical matter

Maxima debetur puero reverential
Greatest deference is owed to the child

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