Latin Phrases F

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Faber est suae quisque fortunae
Every man is the artisan of his own fortune

Fac et spera
Do and hope

Fac fortia et patere
Do brace deeds and endure

Fac simile
Make a similar thing

Faciam eos in gentem unum
I will make them into one nation

Faciam quodlibet quid necesse est
I'll do whatever it takes

Faciam ut mei memineris
I'll make you remember me

Facile princeps
Easily the first

Facilius est multa facere quam diu
It is easier to do many things, than one thing consecutively

Facio liberos ex liberis libris libraque
"I make free adults out of children by means of books and a balance."

Facta, non verba

Deeds, not words

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
False is one, false in all

Familia supra omnia
Family over everything

Fae est et ab hoste doceri
It is lawful to be taught even by an enemy

Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes
I have done what I could; let those who can do better

Fecisti patriam diversis de gentibus unam
From differing peoples you have made one native land

Felicitas, Integritas Et Sapientia

Happiness, Integrity and Knowledge

Felix culpa
Fortunate fault

Felix qui potuit retum cognoscere causas
Happy is he who can ascertain the causes of things

Felo de se
Felon from himself

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt
Men generally believe what they want to

Festina lente
Hurry slowly

Festinare nocet, nocet et cunctation saepe; tempore quaeque suo qui facit, ille sapit
It is bad to hurry, and delay is often as bad; the wise person is the one who does everything in it's proper time

Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus

Let justice be done, though the wolrd shall perish

Fiat Justitia ruat caelum

Let justice be done should the sky fall

Fiat lux
Let the be light

Fiat panis
Let there be bread

Fiat voluntas dei

May God's will be done

Fiat voluntas tua
They will be done

Ficta voluptatis causa sint proxima veris
Fictions meant to please should approximate the truth

Fidei Defensor
Fedender of the faith

Fidem scit
He knows the faith

Fides qua creditor
The faith by which it is believed

Fides quae creditor
The faith which is believed

Fides quaerens intellectum

Faith seeking understanding

Filiae nostrae sicut anguli incise similitudine temple

May our daughters be as polished as the corners of the temple

Finis coronat opus
The end crowns the work

Finis vitae sed non amoris
The end of life, but not of love

Flagellum deo
The scourge of God

Flatus vocis
[a or the] breath of voice

flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo
if I can not reach Heaven I will raise hell

floreat nostra schola
may our school flourish

one flourished

fluctuat nec mergitur

she wavers and is not immersed

fons et origo
the spring and source

fons sapientiae verbum dei
the fount of knowledge is the word of God

fons vitae caritas
love is the fountain of life

forsan et haec olim meminisse luvabit
perhaps even these things will be good to remember one day

fortes fortuna adiuvat
fortune favours the bold

fortes in fide

strong in faith

fortis cadere, cadere non potest
the brave may fall, but can not yield

fortis est veritas
truth is strong

fortis et liber
strong and free

fortis in arduis
strong in difficulties

fortiter et fideliter
bravely and faithfully

fortiter in re, suaviter in modo

resolute in excection gentle in manner

fortunae meae, multorum faber
artisan of my fate and that of several others

fraus omnia vitiate
a illegal principle: the occurrence or taint of fraud in a (legal) transaction entirely invalidates it

fui quod es, eris quod sum
I once was what you are, you will be what I am

Fumus boni luris
Presumption of sufficient legal basis

Fundamenta inconcussa
Unshakable foundation

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