Chap. 1

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Brandon in Media

"Jetta will you hurry your ass up." Brandon glared at his BestFriend.

Jetta turned around and mugged her BestFriend Brandon.

"Don't rush me Brand, I will be ready when I'm finish getting dressed." Jetta glared back.

Brandon suck his teeth and pulled out his cell phone.

Knowing Jetta it will take her forever to get ready. It shouldn't take long to put on a pair of pants and a shirt. Jetta love doing the most.

Jetta finished twenty minutes later.

"I'm ready." She walked out the bathroom and saw that Brandon had fallen asleep across her bed.

"Damn I took that long?" She mumbled.

She shook Brandon away.

"B I'm ready." She yelled in his ear.

"Man I don't even want to go no more. Shit!" He turned away from her and try going back to sleep.

"Oh you going! I didn't spent nearly an hour to get dressed, only for you to say you don't want to go. Get your ass up Brandon or we going to have some problems." Jetta yelled at Brandon.

Brandon tried ignoring her, but with Jetta that's impossible. She will do everything to make him mad. Or even piss him off just to get her way.

"Fine, you win." Brandon huffed then jumped up.

Jetta smiled. Brandon smacked her on her ass.

"Keep on B, and watch I beat your ass." Jetta glared rubbing her booty.

"Yeah yeah, always talking that big boy shit." Brandon brushed his hair in the bathroom.

"Aye B, you should dye your hair blonde." Jetta said appearing in the door way of the bathroom.

"Ewww hell no, I'm sticking to black."

"Well hurry up, I want a good seat." Jetta turn around and left bathroom.

"Don't rush me." Brandon called out.

"Yeah yeah." Jetta yelled out.

"Man you made us miss the movie." Jetta folded her arms.

"Well it was your fault too, taking forever to get dressed." Brandon glared at Jetta. Who was in the passenger side of the car pouting.

"That don't look good on you, so cut that shit out." Brandon said in an angrily voice.

"Nigga don't start that shit." Jetta said calmly.

"What I tell you about calling me that?" Brandon asked her.

"Fine I'm sorry. Damn. Always so sensitive." Jetta said.

"You want to go to that party tomorrow?"

"Yeah I guess. I could shake a leg every once in a while." Jetta smirked at Brandon.

"Get fuck up." Brandon said.

Jetta just laughed. She knew she could get him mad. He was so over protective of her. Even with him being a friend he acted like more.

"Remember you my best friend, not my boyfriend." Jetta said.

Brandon rolled his eyes upward. He was tired hearing that same shit over and over.

"Yes damn it I know. Damn you tell me that every day." Brandon said.

"Can we stop arguing and just go. We been sitting here in this parking lot for how long?" Jetta looked at her cell phone.

"What time is it?" Brandon asked her.

"Umm 8:30."

"Cool. Let's go to the mall real quick I saw some new shoes I been suppose to get." Brandon started up the car.

Jetta pouted again.

Brandon cut his eyes at her.

"What now J?" He said with irritation.

"I want some shoes too." She smiled at him.

Brandon went in his pocket and pulled out $200.


"Damn. Thanks babe." Jetta kissed his cheek.

Brandon and Jetta friendship is not like any other friendship. They act more like boyfriend and girlfriend then best friends.

Brandon Jackson is a seventeen year old white guy. It don't matter that Jetta is a black female. He liked her since the moment he met her. They have been best friends since Jetta first came to his school. Which was his sophomore year. They was close every since. His parents adore her.

Jetta James is a seventeen year old black female who slowly catching feelings for her best friend. What a girl to do? It doesn't matter that he's white, she's feeling him. He make her feel things she never felt before. She scared to tell him how she feels. Her parents like Brandon and that's a first. Along with her two brothers.

"You welcome love. Gotta keep you fresh like me." Brandon smiled.

"Boy I stay fresh. It has nothing to do with you." Jetta said giving him the sister girl attitude.

Brandon looked at her and frown up his face.

"What?" She asked innocently.

"Don't do that no more." Brandon laughed at her face expression.

"Just stupid. Always ruining shit."

"Yeah okay." Brandon smiled again.

Things will never be boring with J around.

This is a Black Woman White Man Plus size book.

This is my first time writing a book like this. It will not be like other BWWM Plus size book. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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That's My Bestfriend, That's My BestFriend, Go BestFriend (BWWM && Plus Size)Where stories live. Discover now