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The real Jetta in Media

3 months later

"Y'all we graduating today!" Neek said dancing around in circles.

Jetta was holding Bj while Brandon was holding Jonathan. They all stared at Neek. She was too hype. Malik just shook his head at his girlfriend. What was he going to do with her?

They came back from New York a week after he found her in his apartment. They had a lot of work to make up. Especially Malik. Who was ready to quit school. Neek told him all about her hanging with Vick while he was away. He was mad at first, then he got over it, because he knew it was his fault. He just glad he have her in his life. Even her and his mom was civil toward each other.

Even though they both say slick things to each other, it was all good.

They was all lining up to get their diploma. It was a good day for them.

As for Sabrina, Jessie, and Keith, they were all in jail, don't know when they will be getting out. Quite frankly, nobody care. They was finally at peace. They saw Sarah around school. She would wave and keep it moving. She was actually in a relationship with somebody.

After the graduation was over they all went to Brandon parents house. They was throwing them a graduation dinner. They all made it. Ready to enter the real world.

"Y'all I'm going to miss y'all." Neek said getting teary eyes. While Jetta, Brandon, and Malik looked at each other and shrugged.

"Neek we not going anyway." Jetta said.

Neek wiped her tears fast.

"Damn allergies." She said and they all busted out laughing.

"You a mess girl." Jetta said wiping her eyes from crying laughing at Neek.

"I'm not that bad." Neek said.

They all looked at her, even Jonathan and Bj.

"Okay maybe a little bit." Neek said.

They still stared at her.

"Ugh, fine. But life would be boring with out me." Neek said.

"True." They all agreed.

"What would I do without y'all?" Jetta asked them. As she lean on Brandon.

"Be bored." Neek said.

"Probably sleep all day." Malik said.

"Be sexual frustrated." Brandon said.

Jetta gasps and they all busted out laughing again.

Karen walked in the room they were all in.

"Oh lord snow bunny here." Neek said.

Karen rolled her eyes at her.

"At least you know, caramel goddess." Karen smirked.

"At least you know." Neek smirked back.

"I'm not going to start with you today." Karen turn to Malik.

"You dad and I are going to be gone for the week. Don't mess up my house Malik. You too Neek." Karen said and walked out.

Mike and Karen are trying to get their marriage back to where it was.

"Okay. Love you." Neek and Malik said at the same time.

"This going to take some getting use too. You and her on good terms." Jetta shook her head, as she looked at her babies in their swing.

"We have our days." Neek said.

"That they do." Malik mumbled.

"Awww hush your mouth." Neek said to him.

"You two together in that house, I won't be surprised if Neek turn up pregnant." Brandon said.

"Who said I'm not pregnant now?" Neek asked Brandon.

All eyes went to her.

"Are you?" Malik asked her.

"Hell nah."  Neek said.

Malik sighed deeply. He and her had to much going on right now for a baby.

"Well we already got two kids. Bj and Jonathan. When ever they getting on y'all nerves bring them to us." Neek said to Brandon and Jetta.

"That mean y'all will watch them tonight?" Brandon asked Neek.

"Hell nah. We got business to handle." Neek said to Brandon.

"We do too." Brandon said back.

"Well to damn bad." Neek said and got Bj out his swing, Jonathan started crying next.

"Just jealous. That's all." Neek said.

Jetta got Jonathan out his swing. 

"They staying with my parents anyway." Brandon said. "Jetta and I taking a vacation."

"what about us?" Malik asked him.

"What about y'all?" Brandon asked him back.

"Why y'all didn't ask us if we want to go." Malik folded his arms.

Brandon rolled his eyes upward.

"Do y'all want to go with us on a mini vacation?" Brandon asked Malik.

"No." Malik said.

Brandon looked at him confused.

Neek and Malik busted out laughing.

"Y'all wilding." Jetta said.

"That's us." Neek said.

"Y'all we been through a lot these past few months. But we overcome it. As always. Don't know what the world have for us. But I say we can handle it." Jetta said.

"I believe we can." Brandon said.

"Hell yes. As best friends we can overcome anything." Neek said.

"That's how it all start with all us. Just best friends. Now look, two couples." Brandon said

They all agreed.

"I love you guys." Jetta said.

"We love you too." Malik, Neek, and Brandon said at the same time.

"Group hug." They all said at the same time and gave each other a hug.


I thank everyone who read this book. It's my first (BWWM && Plussize book) I hope you all enjoyed in. Maybe in the near future I will have another one out. Thanks for all the votes and comments!

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