Chap. 29

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Baby Shower Things in Media

"Okay girl you look cute. But why you didn't do anything with your hair?" Neek asked Jetta as they got dress for Jetta baby shower.

"I did do my hair." Jetta touch her hair.

Neek just stared at Jetta hair and scratched her.

"Uhh yeah sure. Okay. When we leaving to go to the baby shower? I'm sure your mom and Brandon mom finish setting everything up." Neek said.

"I'm waiting on Brandon to get here." Jetta said looking in the mirror.

"Oooh, you talk to Malik lately?"

"Nope I didn't. I haven't seen him since we all went out to eat." Jetta said.

That was a month ago, when they all went out to eat.

Neek shook her head.

"Me too."

"I wonder what going on with him." Jetta looked at Neek.

"Girl your guess is as good as mine. He don't call or text me no more. I just stop texting and calling him." Neek shrugged.

"Well whatever going on with him, I hope he's okay." Jetta walked to her window to look out it.

Neek sighed and throw herself across Jetta bed. She did miss Malik and for him to disappear on her like that hurt her, badly. But she won't show it. She won't put herself out there for him to hurt her again.

"Come on Brandon out there. He's not coming up." Jetta said grabbing her purse.

"He know he could walk his ass up here and get you." Neek said walking out the room.

"Leave my baby alone." Jetta laugh.

When they got to the car, Neek thought sure Malik was in there, but he wasn't.

"Did you talk to Malik lately?" Jetta asked

"Hell nah, he went M.I.A." Brandon said as he drove off, toward the center Jetta baby shower was located.

"Damn maybe we should go check up on him." Jetta sounded concerned.

"Nah he good. He probably just need some time. His parents getting a divorce." Brandon said.

"Serve that bitch right." Neek said from the back seat.

"Yeah i guess, but that taking a toll over him, y'all know that boy a mama's boy." Brandon said.

"True, but still she's a rude ass bitch." Neek said.

"That still his mom though, no matter how she is." Brandon said.

"True, maybe Mike couldn't put up with it." Jetta said.

"Or maybe he finally see her for who she is. A evil ass bitch." Neek said.

"Neek chill." Jetta said.

"Hell no, she getting exactly what she deserve, you can't treat people a certain way and think that's it's all gravy, the world doesn't work that way, well I don't." Neek said folding her arms

When they got there a lot of people was there already.

Neek went to sit by Vick and Kevin. While the guest of honors sat up front.

"Now that the guest of honors are here, we can get started." Brenda said. Jetta mother.

"Right, finally." Brandon mother said.

The crowd laugh.

"We can eat first, or play games, which one?" Brenda asked the crowd.

"Eat." Neek said.

"Okay we can eat first, while we eat I can explain the first game. You all get three clothes pins, no one can say, Jetta name, boy, or baby. If you say either of then and someone hear you, they get your clothes pin." Brenda explain the game.

As you come up to get your food, grab the pins." She also said.

As everyone fall into line, they grab the pins.

They also play baby bingo, and wrap a ribbon around Jetta belly to see how big her stomach was.

They also give out prizes to the people who was first and last. They serve cake and ice cream also

Jetta and Brandon sat around and open all the gifts people brought for the babies.

Jetta and Brandon was blessed. They have a lot of things for both boys.

"I would like to thank everybody who came out and help me, celebrate my baby shower. It really mean a lot us. Have a safe drive home." Jetta said.

Everyone gather to leave.

"This was fun." Brandon smiled at Jetta.

"I know it really was." Jetta smiled back.

"I have one more surprise for you." Brandon said.

"Really? When am I going to get it?" Jetta asked him, biting her bottom lip.

"Look at your mind, nasty ass." Brandon laughed. "But nahh not that."

"Jet I'm going with Vick." Neek said and walked off.

"Come on let's go." Brandon and Jetta got the gift and put them in his car and trunk.

After they was done They got in Brandon car and drove off.

"Brandon this not the way to my house, or yours." Jetta said to Brandon as they drove out of Sumter.

"I know." Brandon smiled.

Brandon pulled up at an apartment complex downtown Florence.

"Brandon what is going on?" Jetta asked Brandon, confused as hell.

"You will see. Get out." Brandon said and got out the car.

He went around the other side and help Jetta out.

They walked hand in hand up the stairs to the second floor of the apartment complex.

Brandon pulled out keys and open the door.


"Brandon you didn't?" Jetta hands went to her mouth. She was in shock.

"Yes baby I did." Brandon wrapped his arms around her.

"Omg baby thank you so much. I love you so much." Jetta hugged him close.

"No baby thank you." Brandon kissed her.

Sorry if it was a little boring.


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