Chap. 2

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Jetta in Media

"Gimme kiss. I got to get to class." Brandon grabbed Jetta ass.

"Stop Brand. Always being fresh." Jetta said with a laugh.

Brandon grinned.

"You like it though. Meet me at my car during lunch." Brandon said then walked away from her not before giving her a kiss.

Brandon made it to class, just before the bell ring.

He took his seat and started copying the notes off the board.

Just then the front door open and a pretty blonde haired girl walked in.

"Take a seat next to Brandon. Brandon raise your hand for me." The teacher told Brandon.

Brandon raised his hand and the blonde girl walked over to the seat next to Brandon.

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Sabrina." She said with a smile.

"Wassup I'm Brandon." He licked his lips and tried focusing on the work. And what the teacher was saying.

"Do you have a pencil?" Sabrina asked him.

"How this your first day here and you don't have a pencil? That's not good at all." Brandon laughed and handed Sabrina a pencil.

Sabrina smiled.

"Well my fault, Mr. Brandon."

Brandon smiled.

"Oh shit, Jetta coming." Somebody yelled out.

Brandon looked around guilty.

"Got em." The same person said.

The class started to laugh.

"Fuck y'all." Brandon said.

"Whose Jetta?" Sabrina asked him.

"Oh that's my other half." Brandon smiled thinking about Jetta.

Sabrina looked away. Then looked back at Brandon.

"You have a girlfriend?" She asked him.

"Nah, that's my lil baby though. I'm close to her. That's my best friend." Brandon said.

Sabrina smiled.

"Oh I thought, she was your girlfriend or something. She just your friend." Sabrina said.

"Yeah a friend that suck and fuck him." Somebody yelled out.

The classed busted out laughing again.

The teacher didn't say anything. She love this class, as long as they get their work done, they can pretty much do anything.

"Malik chill out bruh." Brandon said with a laugh.

"I'm just saying man. How close you and Jetta is. I don't think home girl want to try to get in between that. Jetta crazy over you. And you crazy over her." Malik said.

The class nodded their head in agreement, along with the teacher Mrs. Wheeler.

Sabrina didn't care who Jetta is, she wanted Brandon and she's going to get him. No disrespect to Jetta, or anything, but she is just a friend.

"Stop give me back my paper Keith." Jetta glared.

"You know you want me to take your paper. Cut that shit out." Keith said back to her.

Keith was new to the school. He came a week ago. He always messing with Jetta, no matter what.

"No I don't. You don't tell me what to do nigga." Jetta said rolling her eyes.

Keith got in her face. Too close, almost kissing her.

"Wassup Brandon." Somebody yelled out.

Jetta pushed Keith away and looked around the class.

She didn't saw Brandon.

"You play to much Neek." Jetta laughed.

"Homeboy been getting to comfy. You want Brandon to see that? You know that white boy crazy over you." Neek said with a laugh.

Jetta rolled her eyes. Neek always doing something. Jetta knew she didn't mean any harm, but still Jetta got herself.

"Whose Brandon?" Keith asked Jetta.

"My bae." Jetta smiled.

"Ooh shit, my bad ma." Keith said.

"Oh you good. Brandon and I are best friends." Jetta laughed. She was feeling some type of way. She didn't want Keith. But damn he was so fine.

"Yeah as in best friend who lick the kitty kitty every night. The same best friend who is standing by the door about to walk in....hey Brandon." Neek waved at Brandon.

"Wassup Neek." Brandon greeted Neek.

Malik walked in with Brandon.

"Damn he all you see?" Malik glared at Neek.

"Wassup knucklehead." Neek blushed.

Brandon pulled Jetta up out her seat and gave her a kiss on the lips.

Keith looked and rolled his eyes upward. He don't give a damn who Brandon is to Jetta. He wanted Jetta. He going to get her.

"Y'all ready to go eat? Where y'all teacher?" Malik asked Jetta and Neek.

"Man that bitch never in class." Neek said grabbing her book and phone off her desk.

"Damn y'all do whatever y'all want huh?" Brandon asked Jetta.

"Yep pretty much." Jetta said nervously.

"Wassup with you? Why you so nervous?" Brandon asked her.

"Oh nothing." Jetta smiled.

"Yes it is Brandon. Somebody trying to get at your girl." Neek said with laugh.

Jetta glared at Neek.

Malik laughed.

"Somebody trying to get at Brandon too." Malik said as they walked out the classroom.

"Who?" Jetta and Neek asked at the same time.

"Sabrina the blonde queen. She fine though." Malik said.

Neek rolled her eyes.

"Man chill." Brandon said.

Jetta needed to have a talk with Brandon and asked him did he wanted to see other people. They could give it a try. They so close when somebody finally did wanted to go with them they would be so far gone with each other no one would stand a chance.

"Damn Jetta did your ass got fatter or something?" Malik said looking at Jetta butt.

"Malik, cut that shit out." Brandon glared at Malik.

"Man nigga I'm just saying." Malik said with a laughed.

They all made their way to Brandon car.

"What we eating today?" Malik asked.

"You not eating shit, if you don't have no money." Neek said to Malik.

"Girl shut up."

"You nigga." Neek rolled her eyes.

"Taco Bell." Jetta said.

"Taco Bell it is then." Brandon said then drove off.

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