Chap. 12

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Jetta was getting dressed for school when her cell phone started to ring.

She saw that it was a unknown call.

She answer it.

Jetta- Hello

Operator- do you accept the phone call for ...... Jessie McCants?"

Jetta- No.

She hung up and sighed. She continue to get ready. Her phone begin to ring more again. She just let it go to voicemail.

Her phone started ringing again. She just put it on silent. Dude is seriously tripping.

After she was done getting ready for school. She was tired, she wanted to get back in her bed and go to sleep.

She just grab her phone and walked downstairs. She checked her phone and saw that she had over 20 missed calls from the unknown number and a voicemail.

She will check her voicemail later.

"Good morning mother." She greeted her mom.

Who was cooking breakfast, before she leave for work.

"Good morning.  I made breakfast. Brenda said

"I'm not really hungry. Feel very sick right now." Jetta said. "But I will take a apple." Jetta smiled.

Vick came downstairs and slap
Jetta in the back of her head.

"Put your hands on me again, you going to be missing a whole hand." Jetta snapped.

Brenda and Vick looked at Jetta shock. Only because she never talk to her brother like that.

"Uhh well okay." Vick said and move far away from her.

There was a knock at the door. Vick went to answer it.

Brandon walked in. He went to give Jetta a kiss.

"You put your lips anywhere on me, I'll bite them off. You ready to go?" She huffed and walked away from him heading to the door.

Brandon stood shook.

"Okay umm what's her problem?" He asked Brenda and Vick.

"We don't know." They said at the same time.

Brandon just shook his head and walked out behind Jetta, who was already in the car.

"Wassup with you?" Brandon asked her when he got in car.

"Nothing just feel irritated for some reason." Jetta yawned.

"Why didn't you just stay home?"
Brandon said.

"Because I want to come to school." Jetta said with an attitude.

"Cut the attitude man." Brandon said.

Jetta just rolled her eyes.

"What the hell your problem?" Brandon ask her.

"I don't have a problem." Jetta said.

"Shit, you have something. Nobody did nothing to you." Brandon said.

Jetta just huffed and close her eyes.

She woke up to someone shaking her awake.

"Hmm." She open her eyes.

"Get up we at school." Brandon said and got out the car.

He didn't even waited on her like he usually do. He was just that pissed off at her.

Malik walked up to him.

"Hey man, what's up?" Malik greeted him.

"Nothing irritated as hell with Jetta ass." Brandon said.

"What she do?" Malik asked.

"Talking out the side of her neck for no damn reason."

"Welps that's Jet for you. Better be glad she didn't cut you." Malik laughed.

Brandon didn't laugh at all.

Jetta walked up to them.

"Where is Neek?" She asked Malik.

"She didn't felt like coming to school today." Malik said.

"Aww man." Jetta said then walk off.

"I see what you mean now." Malik said.

"Yeah you see that?" Brandon said and walked into class.

Sabrina walked up to Brandon.

"What the hell!" Brandon said as Sabrina bend his head down and kiss him and walked away.

Keith took a quick picture of it and walk into class he shared with Jetta. He smirked to his self.

He would use that, to get Jetta in his arms, and in his bed. He didn't want to seem like a bad guy, because he really wasn't. He just wanted Jetta to notice him how she notice the white boy.

He saw that Jetta had her head on the desk, and that's not like her at all.

He heard about what Jessie didn't go her, she must have heal up pretty fast, because she look gorgeous as ever.

"Hey Jetta." He walk up to her.

She lifted her head up slowly and glared at him.

"What Keith?" She said.

"Just wanted to say hey." Keith smiled at her.

"Hey Keith." Jetta put her head back on the desk.

"Look I have something to show you." He pulled out his phone.

He show Jetta the pic of Sabrina and Brandon kissing.

Jetta slapped him and walked out the classroom.

She couldn't believe that two timing dog. And to think she thought he was different.

She walked into Brandon classroom.

"Hey baby." Brandon said.

Jetta grinned at him, then walked over to him and slap him.

"I hate you. You trying to play me for a fool. Don't worry about taking me home. I can walk. You two timing, back stabbing pig. Fuck you Brandon Jackson." She said then walk back out the class, then walked back in.

She walked to Sabrina who had a grin on her face, she slap that grin off her face.

"Now you can continue teaching your class Mrs. Wheeler, sorry for that." Jetta said walked out the class with her head held high.


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