Chap. 7

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Neek&&Malik in Media

Brandon and Sarah was at his house doing a science project for Mr. Higgins class when Brandon cellphone ring.

He let it ring. He needed to get this science project done. Especially when he was using  electricity for it. He not about to lose concentration and fuck something up.

"Your phone ringing." Sarah said to him.

"It's nobody important." Brandon said.

"It probably your best friend." Sarah said bitterly.

She liked Jetta, but every since her and Brandon got close. Jetta and her little friend Neek said slick things under their breathe. I mean if they can't say it out loud then why say it anyway?

"Nah that's not my bae, I meant Jetta." Brandon said.

Sarah was taken back. Did Brandon just call Jetta his bae?

"Well how would you know?" Sarah asked.

"Because I have a special ring tone for her." Brandon smiled.

He missed hanging out with his friends. It normally now just be him and Sarah.

"Seriously Brandon? You have a special ring tone for her? What about me? I'm your now girlfriend. Have you forgot that?" Sarah said angrily.

Brandon was shocked at the tone Sarah used on him. They just got together two days ago. So that now girlfriend thing bet not get out of hand.

"You have a ringtone too like everybody else. It just not special." Brandon told her straight up.

Sarah was hurt.

"Wow Brandon. How we suppose to make this work when you all hung up on your best friend?" Sarah asked.

"Are you kidding me right now? We just got together. You think I'm suppose to treat my friend a certain way just because you want me too? You came last, she came first. So if you can't accept that, then we can dead this shit now." Brandon said.

Sarah huffed.

"Fine. But if she get out of line, talking to you , and calling you baby and things. I'm going to put her in her place."

Brandon laughed.

"Uhh okay, you do you. Let me know how that work for you." Brandon started back doing his work.

What is wrong with these females these days thinking he suppose to drop his three year friendship with his best friend? They must be on something. What they fail to realize is. Him and Jetta is join at the hip. Nothing can break their bond.

"Sure I will baby. Now let's get back to work." Sarah kissed Brandon cheek.

It felt weird to Brandon because she wasn't Jetta.

Okay he really need to stop comparing every female he mess with, with his best friend. It's not fair to them. He have to learn to give them a chance.


"Jessieee put me down!" Jetta laughed.

"Hell no, you talking all that shit." Jessie said.

Just then Jetta room door open and Neek and Malik enter.

"Omg put her down what you doing?" Neek asked Jessie looking at him suspiciously."

Jessie put Neek back on her foot.

"What you guys doing here?" Jetta asked Neek and Malik.

"Just want to hang out. We don't get to do that anymore since you and Brandon went to get in a relationship with other people." Neek said not sugarcoating anything.

"Well Neek, Brandon and I are just friends, so we going to date other people." Jetta said straight up.

"It still don't make it right." Neek put her hands on her small hips.

Did she forgot Jessie was in the room?

"Look Neek I can handle myself. I appreciate you caring and all, but why you not down Brandon back the way you down mine?" Jetta asked.

Malik raised an eyebrow.

Neek nodded her head.

"I see what's going on here. Y'all letting these outsiders get in you both heads and y'all changing. Just remember who was their for y'all when y'all was together. Let's see who be their for y'all when this shit blow up in y'all face. Y'all both so in love with each other y'all just need a distraction to control y'all selves around each other. But I'll mind my business for now on." Neek said turning to leave.

Jetta felt bad for the way she talk to Neek now.

"Neek wait!" Jetta yelled.

"No go back to your boyfriend. Come on Malik." Neek yelled.

Malik shook his head and walked out behind Neek.

Jetta hold her head down and sink on her bed.

"It's okay baby. You don't need them you have me." Jessie said.

Jetta smiled.

"You right." Jetta said. Not believing how things are turning out already.


Brandon put Jetta in her place.

The way Jetta talked to her friend 🙊🙊🙊


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