Chap. 13

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Vick, Brenda, and Kevin in Media

"Fuck Brandon!" Jetta yelled.

Neek and Malik was at her house. She was telling them what had happen.

Malik tried to explain to her, that Sabrina kissed Brandon, but Brandon didn't kiss her.

"Yeah yeah, you just saying that because he your friend. Ha, down for the homie." Jetta said as she dip her chips in her ice cream.

Neek looked at her.

"Umm is that good?" Neek just had to asked.

"Oh girl yes it is." Jetta said.

Neek and Malik just continued to look at her.

"He suppose to be my best friend, my boyfriend, but he betrayed me." Jetta said her eyes watering.

Malik just shook his head. No sense in trying to get her to see the truth. She want to make Brandon out to be the bad guy, that's her. He just going to sit back and just be there for them both.

"He made it seem like he cared for me. Ha, all a damn act." Jetta said as a tear escape her eye.

She quickly wipe it.

"Ugh I will not cry over Brandon Jackson. Fuck him. I hate him." She cried.

Neek went to comfort her friend. She wish she came to school now. Hell some ass would have been beat.

"It's going to be okay baby." Neek said.

"And on top of that, Jessie keeps calling my phone. Talking about when he get out of jail he going to kill me." Jetta shook her head.

"Kill you for what? His ass did the crime, now he have to do the time. Fuck outta here." Neek said.

"Right, like nobody told him to rape and beat me." Jetta said.

"Right, he come this way if he want too, a bullet will be up his ass, literally in his ass." Neek said making Jetta laughing.

"Aww I got my boo to laugh." Neek smiled.

"But seriously, do you think Brandon cheated on me because of my weight?" Jetta said.

She know it never been a issue before when it comes to her weight with him, but since Sarah and Sabrina came he all up under them and shit.

"Jet shut that shit up, if he didn't have a problem with it before why would he have a problem with it now?" Neek asked her.

Jetta shrugged. She been feeling a little insecure the past two weeks now. Well since her attack. She felt like Brandon looked at her differently.

"I'm about to go holla at Brandon, Neek I'll be back at you later." Malik said and left out Jetta room.

He said Vick in the kitchen eating a piece of cake.

"You done cuff her yet?" He asked Malik.

"Hell nah." Malik said.

"Well you won't mind if I deep inside her a little later right?" Vick laughed out loud.

Malik clenched his jaws.

"She wouldn't give you the time of day. She done slide down me on so much, she forgot your name."

"Get your corny ass out my house!" Vick yelled.

Malik laughed.


Brandon can't believe what was happening right now. Jetta left him and won't answer his calls or even read his texts.

Sabrina set him up. Now she blowing up his phone. He had to cut his shit off.

Malik walked in his phone.

"I want to be alone." Brandon told him.

"Well to damn bad. Jetta tripping hard." Malik said.

Brandon looked at Malik.


"She think you cheated on her because of her weight." Malik said.

Brandon mouth dropped open.

"What?! How the hell? I haven't even cheated on her!" He yelled.

"We also have a problem." Malik said.


"Jessie threatening her via voicemail."

"Seriously?" Brandon shook his head.

"Hell yeah. Shit crazy man." Malik said.

"Do you think Jetta and I just need to be friends and don't even try the dating thing?" Brandon asked Malik.

"Shut the hell up."

"Nah seriously, it's like she black I'm white, and since Sabrina and Keith came it's like they trying to get us to see that. Like we don't fucking know that already." Brandon shook his head.

"Okay and your point? Damn y'all just a color. Y'all still bleed the same way, if I slap you it going to hurt, and if I slap her, I'm pretty sure it going to hurt her too." Malik shrugged.

"You slap me that's a fight, and you know not to slap Jetta, you just sign your death certificate."

They shared a laugh.

"Hell yeah. But seriously y'all letting Keith and what's her face come in between y'all. That's not good."

"I need to go get my girl back huh?"

"Hell yeah, let's go."

They left the house.


Sorry if it was boring!😔

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