Chap. 24

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Sabrina sat in the abandon house waiting on Keith. Did he got lost? Why did Jetta answer his phone?

Sabrina didn't know she was so evil, over a guy who didn't love or want her. What was she turning into? She just wanted to know what the black girl have that she don't? She wanted Brandon to herself. Why can't he see that?

She would even go as far as killing Jetta if she have too. She didn't care, she just want her out the picture. Even if going through the extreme just to do it.

The abandon house door open and Keith walked in, holding his crotch.

"What happen to you?" Sabrina asked him.

"That bitch, kicked me in my dick and took my car." Keith growled out.

"She have to go." Sabrina said.

"Yes defiantly. No more playing, and I thought she was the one for me. I don't want her." Keith shook his head.

"Well you may not want her but I still want Brandon, and I'm going to get him." Sabrina said.

Keith looked at her like she have lost her mind.

"You sick bitch. That dude don't want you. If he want you, don't he think he would be with you by now? You just wasting your time. I'm out this deal." Keith said and walked out the abandon house.

Sabrina could get rid of Jetta on her own she didn't need a weak guy like Keith anyway.

"Is this the house right here?" Malik asked Jetta, as Jetta looked down at Keith phone.

She stare at the house, and look back at Keith house.

"Yes this is it." Jetta nodded her head.

"I bet them bitches in there looking stupid as fuck." Neek laughed.

"Let's go." Malik said and got out the car.

Neek, Jetta, and Brandon got out after him.

They walked to the abandon house, and  Malik knock on the door.

Brandon and Neek looked at him like he been stupid.

"What the hell you knocking for?" Brandon asked him.

Malik shrugged and kicked in the door.

Sabrina screamed and fire the gun she had, it hit Malik in the shoulder.

"Fuck, that bitch shot me." He said holding his arm.

Neek ran and tackle Sabrina on the ground, Sabrina fire the gun again, hitting Neek in stomach, since she was so small, she blacked out instantly.

Brandon had to think fast.

"Sabrina, what you doing?" He asked her.

Sabrina raised the gun to him. Brandon hold his arms up.

Jetta stayed outside to call the police. She wasn't walking in there to harm her babies, she going to wait until Brandon talk Sabrina down.

"I'm getting rid of the people that's in the way of us being together." Sabrina said still have the gun on Brandon.

"Bitch delusional!" Malik yelled out.

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