Chapter Fourteen

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I fluttered my eyes open, my vision blurry. I reached up to stretch, but felt something constricting me. I look down and see Lou's arms are wrapped around me and my head was on his chest.

I furrow my eyebrows then remember last night. Why does he have to be so darn confusing?! I wish I was a mind reader! Then things would be ten times easier. No...a hundred. I yawn and rub my eyes, tilting my head up and look at Louis. His eyes were closed, but I knew his stunning blue sapphire orbs would be under his lids. He looked much younger than 20. I roamed my eyes over his face. His hair was ruffled up on some places and some matted. He has some crazy bed hair......

My eyes lingered on his lips and I let my eyes outline his lips. His light pink lips were slightly parted. I didn't want to touch them because I don't want him to awake. 

I yawn again and look at my stomach as it growls. Gosh, I'm hungry. I look back at Louis and a snore lightly escapes his lips as he moans something. Chuckling, I gently pull his arms off of me and replace it with a pillow. I stand up beside the bed and search for my phone. I see it on the dresser and I quickly grab it. I take a picture of Louis snuggling with the pillow clutched to his chest. He looked so cute! I quickly added a color filter and uploaded/saved it to Instagram so it automatically saved in my pictures. I quickly tap around on my screen as I leave the room, quietly closing the door behind me. I also upload it to twitter:

Dani_Brooks: Who needs a girl? @BooBearLouis certainly does not! He's got all he needs in the fabric and feathers.

Walking into the living room I collapse on the couch, I land on something bumpy. I rub my butt side to side trying to get comfy. Someone clears their throat. I whip around and quickly jump up.

"Oh my gosh! Zayn, I'm so sorry! I thought you were the couch! I wasn't paying attention! I swe-"

He laughs, "It's okay." I blush furiously, my face probably resembling a tomato, making him chuckle. I look down at my feet. This is so embarrassing....

"Awwhh, is Dani embarrassed?" Zayn coos, smirking. That just makes me blush more. "Shut up Zayn."

"Well, gees. Nice to know I'm loved." He says sarcastically. I laugh, making him smile. "The feeling's mutual." I smile.

He looks confused, "So we both don't feel loved?"

Now it's my time to be confused, "Wait what?"

"You said mutual which means--"

"I know what it means." I snap, joking.

He looks even more confused, "But then--"

"I know it doesn't make any sense, Zayn. I have many blonde moments okay?"

He raises an eyebrow, "But your not blonde...."

"Doesn't mean I can't have blonde moments."

He laughs, "Fair enough."

There's a slight pause. "Why are you awake. Also, where Ethan? Did the sleeping arrangements change?" I ramble, questioning. He shakes his head. "I woke up early because we have a photo-shoot, which I'm surprised Liam and everyone else isn't awake for. I think Ethan went to the club to get his things with Lexi."

I look at the clock. It's about 10:40-ish a.m.

"Well, no, the sleeping arrangements haven't changed." He continued. I nodded.

"Alright. Let's wake up everyone and get ready for your photo-shoot. I'll wake up Louis, Liam and Niall. You wake up Tiarne and Harry." I like to wake up people, so I made sure I got to wake up more. He nods and we head off to different directions. Also, it'd be easier for me to wake up both the boys in the same room. I walk down the hallway and stop on the second door. I crack open the door and peak inside, seeing the messed up sheets I tip toe in there and walk to the bed. I stand by the bed, dumbfounded.

Niall was the only one there....

"Hey Dani." I jump probably a 3 feet in the air, clutching my chest. I whirl around. "Liam! You scared me!"

He chuckles, "I've gathered that." I look at him confused.

"You're ready?" He nods his head. I shrug and turn back around to wake up Niall. I walk around to the unoccupied side of the bed and start to jump on it.

He doesn't budge. I groan, then an idea pops in my mind. Sorry little Irish boy, it's painful. I take a big leap and land on Niall. He bolts up, "OWWW!" I quickly get up, screaming "sorry" as I ran out of the room.

Running to me and Lou's room, I see him sprawled out on the bed holding on to the pillow. He surely took advantage of me not being in the bed. I chuckle and walk to his side of the bed. Knowing that I love music, I decided to pretend I'm giving a rock concert.

Wink. Wink.

I make my hands flat and start hitting him on the stomach like I was paying the bongo's/drums. His stomach was hard.  I start humming and making these weird noises, pretending I was was in a rock band, drumming his stomach. I look at Louis. He was still asleep.

I groan, giving up.

NOPE! I am not a giver upper.....that's not even a word. Who cares! I walk up alongside the bed, higher, closer to his head. I lean down and poke his nose. His eyes bolt open. I shriek and jump away. He woke THAT?! I shake my head, weird boy...

"What?" He yawns, throwing the comforter off his legs and climbing out. I try not to look at his abs that were peaking out from under his shirt as he stretched.

"Photo-shoot. Get ready!" I chirp and walk off to the adjoining bathroom, grabbing my stuff I needed on the way while Louis did whatever. I hopped into the shower then got out, blow drying my layered, brown hair then straightened it.

I pull on some Hollister dark rinse jean short shorts with a silky greenish-emerald color shirt with silver gems on the sleeves that cut diagonally over the shoulders. I slid on some sliver sandals (T-strap shoes or where there's one strap that goes almost to your ankle-ish) with silver gems on the strap.

I put on some natural make up and walk out of the room, grabbing my silver, sling over purse and shoved my phone and money in it. Liam can keep up with the hotel key. I put on some dangle owl earrings and walked out of the room. Louis wasn't in ours.

I walk into the living room and see everyone ready, minding their own business. I notice Lexi and Ethan are still gone. "Were you all waiting for me?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. They all snap their heads up to look at me.

"No." Tiarne says at the same time as Harry said, "Yes."

I laugh as they glare at each other, "Let's just go." We all get up and trail out the door. I was in the back and Louis falls in step beside me. I look up at him a little and he smiles, "You look pretty."

I blush, "Thanks. You look......okay." I smirk while he chuckles. I was clearly joking. Yes, he didn't look his best, but he still looked hot.

Okay....I can't deny it any longer.

I like Louis.


I feel a larger hand latch onto mine and interlacing the fingers. I didn't have to look at the face of the hand to tell who it was. It was Louis. I could feel the tingles racing up my arm. I look up at him, my eyebrows furrowed. Did he like me? Or are we just friends? Last night I found myself wishing we were more.

"What's got you thinking so hard, Dani?" Louis asked, his eyebrows furrowed to.

I sigh, "I'm just confused. Do you hold hands with all your friends or...." I trail off and blush at how blunt I was.

"Uhh, Yeah! See, I hold hands with all my friends!" He stutters and grabs the closet hand, which is Harry's. Harry looks confused then looks at Louis, smiling.

I guess I was wrong then. I guess we were just friends. He probably doesn't like me. Gosh, he's so confusing. He makes me want to pull out my hair in frustration lately. Of course I won't do that, but..... but does he kiss his friends neck? I think. Yeah...he does. I've seen him do it to the lads jokingly before.

I guess we were only friends.

And that's all we'll ever be.

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