Chapter Twenty-One

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I was sitting in front of my laptop that was on my desk. I was back home and Lexi moved back into her apartment next to mine. Surprisingly, Ethan moved in with her. They are going strong and I think they're soulmates or something. That's the only words to describe them. Seriously.

They are so cute together, but there are moments that they have, that remind me of Lou and I and I find my heart sinking. I really do miss him. We haven't been able to skype video call at all. I've only gotten texts and his daily calls. I live on his voice. It makes me feel happy and bubbly. I just want to see him. See how's he changed though.

I clicked around the keyboard typing on Microsoft. I was writing a letter, everyday, for these two months. Have been and will keep doing so, about everything, basically.

But it's a letter so it's addressed to someone. Which is Louis. When I'm gone, he can read them, if he wants to, and just, have something to remember me by. I poise my fingers above the keys.

Dear Louis,                                                                                                                                      7/15/2012

You have no idea how much I miss you. I long to see you and but I love to at least be able to hear your voice. I can't believe it's already been a month of not seeing you. I'm counting down the days til I see you again.

Does that sound cheesy?

Anyway, Lexi and Ethan are going strong. Lexi's arms aren't completely healed so Ethan pushes her around, they really are the cutest couple. I'm pretty sure they're meant to be, somewhat written in the stars.

I wonder how everything is over there. Have you been recording songs? Just chilling with the boys? That sounded gangster, but, I did something fun today. Want to know what?

I got to put make up on Ethan's face. Hilarious. Of course it wasn't eyeshadow and eyeliner and that stuff, but Lexi was teaching me how to do it for you guys. Ethan kept squirming, so when I was trying to put foundation on him, I poked him in the eye. He started crying, not sobbing, but his eyes were watering and after I apologized, we started laughing.

He said he got something in his eye. Which is true, but corny, all the same.

And I don't really know if you'll ever read these letters eventually, but I like to think that you will and that somehow you're here reading them over my shoulder, have experienced this with me. Meeting you feels like a dream and sometimes I have to pinch myself, but, my gosh, I really miss you.

I love you Louis with all my heart.

Love, Dani

Right when I finished typing the letter I save it to my long diary thing and logged on to skype to see if Lou was on there. Finding out he's not, I roll my chair away from the computer, not bothering to log off. I roll my chair across my room in my apartment in America. I wonder how England is and what's it like.

I roll over to the calender. Guess what? I learned that London is 5 hours ahead of where the time is at the I live. Right now it was 9 o'clock so that means Louis should be sleeping as it's 2 in the morning over there. I cross off today on the calendar. I change in my pajamas and wash my face and brush my teeth. I leap onto my bed and crawl under the covers, pulling them under my chin.



What? I yawn and stretch, looking at my alarm clock next to the bed. It was 4 in the morning. What would someone want? I look around my room and see the laptop lit up. The noise stops, but I keep walking towards my desk to see what it was.

I sit on my desk chair and right when I do, the sound goes off again.


I read what it says, then read again. Louis was video calling me. I quickly click answer and wait for his picture to show. It quickly comes into view and he's grinning. I find myself grinning too, looking into the camera. He looked to be in his bed, the sunlight filling the room.

"Hey Dani. I miss you." He grins.

I smile, "Hey Lou, me too."

I see Louis' lips form a pout and he whines, "I can't see you." I look down at the video box at the bottom corner and you can't see me because it's so dark. I quickly scramble off my seat and turn on the lamp beside my bed. I hop back on my desk chair and look at Louis.

"I can't believe it's been a month." He mutters and I nod my head in agreement, then remember the letters.

"I got something to give you when I see you." I say. No backing out now.

He raises an eyebrow, "Oh really? Me too."

I smirk, "What is it?"

"I can't tell." He chuckles and I pout.


"Nope. Only if you tell me what your bringing, then I will."

I shake my head furiously, "No way is that happening."

He laughs, "Now you know how I feel." I laugh and we fall into a comfortable silence just staring at each other. I smile softly, my eyes roaming his face.

"I love you." Louis says, smiling softly. I smile back, "I love you too, Lou." But I ruin the moment by yawning. Oh come on! This is my first and maybe last video call and it has to be short.

He chuckles, "Bye Dani, you need to sleep."


He chuckles again and I smile, "Love you Louis, see you in a month."

"Love you too babe. See you then." Then we both end the skype call. I smile softly and hop in my bed, feeling like I was on cloud nine.

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