Chapter Fifteen

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We were now at the venue of the photo-shoot. It was really pretty. It's a very grassy cliff with the ocean lapping against it. Australia is amazing. I took a couple pictures on my phone. It was now lunch time and the sun was high in the sky. I smiled, tilting my head back and soaking the rays. The boys were in a trailer thing, getting ready. This photo-shoot was for some sort of magazine.

I look around the set and see tons of people milling around. Lexi and Ethan were out and about somewhere on this continent..... I guess Lexi isn't needed to style the boys today.

I look over to the trailer and see Tiarne eating some food. Now that I think about it, I'm kind of hungry. I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear and look out at the cliff again. It was just so pretty.

I hear someone clear thier throat and I turn around. There was a lady with black hair pulled into a ponytail and green eyes. She was pretty. She didn't have much make up on and had jeans, a blouse and some sandals.

"Hello, I'm Carrie Chadwick. I'm interviewing One Direction for the magazine after they do the photo-shoot. Just curious, why do they have you and the other girl, I think her name's Tiarne, here?"

I smile, "Ummm, well, Tiarne is one of their girlfriends."

She nods, "But what about you?"

"Just a friend. Oh, and I'm Danielle." I quickly reply.

She nods again and smile, sticking out a hand, "Nice to meet you. Your name is just like Danielle Peazer's."

I nod, shaking her hand. Who's Danielle Peazer? She must have seen the confused look so she chuckles, "Liam's girlfriend......"

"Ohhhhhh." I smile and she laughs. She was really nice, she wasn't a stuck up interviewer. "Well, I've got to head off now." She says and walks away. I watch her walk away then all the sudden I feel two arms wrap around my waist.

"AHH!" I shriek and jump out of whoever's grip that was. I look back and see Harry who's doubling over in laughter. "Bejeesus Harry, you scared me!"

"Bejeesus?" He laughs again. I frown, but chuckle, smacking his arm, "It wasn't that funny...."

He grins, showing his dimples and stands up, "Sure, whatever floats your boat." I laugh and in the corner of my eye I see Louis staring at us. I turn and smile at Louis, "Why are you way over there?"

He frowns slightly, "I didn't want to ruin your moment." He says coldly and walks off to the other boys. I glance at Harry, confused. He shrugs. What's got Lou's knickers in a twist? Everything was fine earlier. Also, what moment? To have a moment, I'd say you would have to be interested in that person and I'm definitely not interested in Harry.

"CHOP, CHOP BOYS! TIME FOR THE PHOTO-SHOOT!" Someone screams and I chuckle.

"Gotta go m'lady. My people are calling for me." I laugh as he runs off. As they start their photo-shoot I notice Louis isn't his normal cheery self. I'll have to ask him why. I walk over to the food table after hearing my stomach rumble.

"Hey Tiarne." I smile and she jumps, dropping a chip on the ground. I laugh and grab an apple.

"God Dani! You scared me!" I smirk and take a crunchy bite of my apple.

"Well I've been told I'm scary." She laughs. We walk over to a group of workers who are watching the boys.

"That must be so cool." Tiarne muttered. I nod my head in agreement, "I can only dream." She turns her head to look at me, "What's your dream?"

"To be a professional singer." I say, smiling as Harry slaps the back of Zayn's head.

"Me too!" She chirps and I turn to grin at her. "We girls need to stick together, aye?" I say. She grins and nods in agreement. A little bit later the boys were in their second change of clothes on a couch that was on the cliff. Someone suddenly taps my shoulder.

I turn around and see a gorgeous girl with brown, long, waves and brown eyes.

"Hello? Are their supposed to have girl models or something?" I ask, confused. I hear Tiarne gasp and I give her a questioning look. She's staring at the girl wide-eyed. Why?

She chuckles, "No. I'm looking for Louis."

I furrow my eyebrows, "He's doing the photoshoot. May I ask who's looking?"

She smiles, "I'm Eleanor. Eleanor Calder."

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