Second Chapter

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What is he going to do?

What is he going to say?

Well, he looks mad. He should be, I just yelled at him. Right in front of his ear.

But he deserved it--- Remember, Ava, he's the one firing you. I admitted my inner voice's wise thoughts.

He came closer to me. I could see his muscles tighten from the black suit he was wearing that fitted him perfectly.

He stopped right in front of me. His tall figure made me look even smaller.

It was like I'm a small plant, whose under the shade of a tall tree.

God! Why you made me so small and one thing more--- Why he is standing so near me? Didn't he remember what just happened a few seconds ago. I was inches away from his face and then his crotch.

Ugh! I still hate what happened just a minute ago. I don't even want to remember that anymore.

There are some things you just want to forget, forever. It's one of them.

He was now standing so near me and I could feel the heat radiating off of him. But I stood still and didn't move a bit.

It's confirmed that he's fumed, but I don't care.

What does he think that he can intimidate me? Make me fear him?

Well, Mr. Aaron I'm a strong girl. You can't easily make me fear you. No matter how tough you try to make your look.

Despite the assurance that I was giving to myself that I'm a strong girl, still I was looking everywhere around the room but him.

A few minutes ago when I looked into his blue eyes it resulted in me going into a state of shock and I wasn't able to mutter a single word. Like Ursula from The Little Mermaid movies have taken my power of speech, the way she did with Ariel. Anyways if I did look in his eyes again, I think this time I might end up dead.

Okay, enough Ava--- his eyes are not even that beautiful.

'Actually they are.' I debated with my inner voice.

"Here look at this damn paper!" He yelled bringing the paper close to my face.

The only thing I heard from him was 'shush' and this was the first time I heard him speak a full sentence and his voive really was quite--- coarse and his teeth so white like he just came from a commercial of a toothpaste.

I looked at him and his eyes showed that how mad he was right now.

"I have seen this damn paper that's why I'm here" I said rather politetly, glaring into his now blue eyes darken with annoyance.

"You stupid girl!" this time he growled, gritting his teeth. "Look once again!"

How dare he called me stupid!

At least he called you a 'girl', don't be ungrateful.

Why does he yell so much? He thinks he will look more dominant. Well, his voice is quite dangerous but it doesn't affect me at all. Well--- a little bit, but not too much.

"You know what, just tell me why are you firing me?" I straightened my shoulders and looking up at his face I asked him.

He clenched his left hand's long fingers into a ball of fist and I saw his veins getting visible around his clenched fist and that clearly stated that he was getting more annoyed.

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