Thirty-Fourth Chapter

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I felt something cold press my skull. After all those years... he was in front of me. He was the only perosn I never ever wanted to ever see in my life ever again.

Then why?

Why was he here today.

Bald. A devilish smile making his face look more horrid. There was still a fear that was residing in my heart. I thought I'll forget the pain he inflicted on me. But how could I?

I could barely breathe. When Sir came rushing in the living room where mom, me and he was present, I nearly fell but Sir held me before I could trip and fall.

Sir was confused and so was I.

As soon as I saw the reports of the person sending me those vulgar messages--- his face showed up on the reports. I thought I'd have forgotten his face, but the moment I saw him on my phone I remembered all the past memories--- all the anguish and sorrow.

"Ah, husband or boyfriend?" Ethan asked looking at Sir who was supporting me, while he played ground with the gun in his hands.

My eyes were pinned on his gun... the only thing I was worried about.

He can hurt someone, but I wasn't going to let him hurt anyone.

I took a deep breath.

Ava, calm down. You need to be strong. Everything is going to be right. I repeated this in my head.

"What is happening, Ava?" Sir asked.

But I had no time to reply him.

"Can you please put that gun down, mister?" Sir said to Ethan, gesturing for him to put the gun down.

No body answered him and me and Ethan kept looking at each other.

"You were in jail?" I took a deep breathing, gaining enough strength to ask him.

"You really thought you could keep me behind bars, in that hell hole, for this long?" He laughed.

"But what you did... you deserve to be there."

"Dear, those charges against me... all were just words and no proof. Nobody saw me, recorded me."

I wanted to cry. I clenched my fingers in a fist to stop myself from doing so.

Just Words? No proof? I am the biggest proof.

"Can somebody tell me what the hell is happening here?" Sir raised his voice.

"Shut the fuck up man, can't you let a husband talk to his wife."

"WHAT?" Sir was utterly shocked and his eyes were pinned on me.

"I'm not your wife!" I shouted at him.

"You're married, Ava?" asked Sir confusedly.

Ethan pointed gun at Sir. "This guy really can't shut up."

"Put the gun down." I hissed, my voice dangerous.

"AVA, how come I never knew that you're married?" Sir's mind was fixed on this one thing, while I was more worried about the gun Ethan had now pointed at Sir.

Ethan came forward, his aim at Sir.

"Ava, answer me!" Sir demanded.

"SHUT UP, AARON. SHUT UP." I yelled. He was diverting my attention from the gun.

I called him Aaron, and that night be the first time he didn't say anything to me. I really needed to make him shut up because he was really bothering Ethan and I didn't want anything to happen to Aaron... Sir.

Ethan's gun was almost near Aaron and there was something happening inside me.

A hate was burning. This hate for Ethan was ever greater.

Why? Why I couldn't let Ethan hurt Aaron.

Aaron was not even responding to Ethan, like the gun didn't even matter to him. All that matter was me.

Ethan came forward and this time I could let him. I couldn't let him hurt Aaron.

I grabbed his arm and warpped his neck with my other arm, getting a full control on his body.

"AVA!" Aaron and mom cried together.

This was my time. I couldn't let Ethan hurt anyone. I preapred for his for so long and I could let him do any more wrong.

I tried to get a hold on his gun, but he was also exerting his full force.

I heard car parking.

Dad was here.

I tried to quickly get a hold on the gun, but it was difficult.

Aaron tired to come near us.

"Please, move away." I said, my grip getting weaker.

Me and Ethan's hand were on the gun, both of us snatching it from each other. All of a sudden, a bullet got fired and everything and everyone went mum.


The bullet crashed with the glass window, breaking it.

I was glad that the bullet crashed the glass window.

I was glad it didn't hit mom or Aaron.

I was about to fight again, but this time he ran outside. He knew he couldn't fight me. I followed him and mom and Aaron also followed us out from the house.

They stopped, but I continued chasing him. I couldn't let him escape.

"Come back, you piece of shit." I yelled chasing him.

I was running with full speed, behind him when I heard mom screaming.

I never heard her screamed like this.

I had to stop.

I looked back and again looked at Ethan.

He had escaped.

That coward bastard!

What happened to mom? I was worried.

I quickly ran back to house and I saw mom and Aaron sitting on the grassland outside our house.

Sitting in front of--- DAD!

"DAD!" I screamed from a distance and ran up to him.

He was lying down on the grass with blood oozing out of his chest.

That bullet that was fired--- it had hit dad.

"NO." I screamed. "Daddy!"

✴ ✴

N e x t :
35th Chapter.


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