Fifth Chapter

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I decided to just put away all the trail of my thoughts in the trash can and just let the day pass.

But when I looked at the clock on my desk. It was just 9:56 AM.

It seems like time has stopped passing. Every second has now turned into hours, but then I can't deny the undeniable sad fact that nothing much happened since I came here.

I had not-so-cool and where-I-touch-his-hand encounter with Mr. Jr. and when he said something I think he himself don't even know what he meant and now I've received a personal message from him to work as his P.A which is now not-so-personal message anymore because Ken just had to announce it out loud to anyone.

I hate when Ken do such things!

But then everybody would've known one way or another.

It seemed like pretty much happened, but no all of this happened in less than 40 minutes.

I can't believe this!

I still have the whole day left to survive in this hell hole. How I'm going to pass this whole time?

Ugh! I just want to rush to Nathan's club and do some punching on my favorite punching bag which is Nathan himself, but then he won't be there at this time.

I still wonder why Mr. Aaron sent me a personal message?

In one way, he, sending me a personal e-mail was way better than I could imagine anything because then I wouldn't have to go through this awkward situation where everyone is looking at me and especially girls who are calling me a 'Lucky Bitch'. I wonder what's so lucky being someone's servant.

But his personal e-mail was of no use, because either way, Mr. Kendrick aka the interferer would've told everyone.

That was such a bitch thing to do, reading my e-mail, Ken!

But still why Mr. Aaron sent me a personal message?

He could've sent it to Ken. Actually he should've because Ken's the boss of our department.

All e-mails are directly sent to Ken. But then why a personal message?

I don't care about anything.

I don't care why he sent me a personal message.

I don't care what he meant before the elevator closed because I don't want to know what I'm perfect for.

I know one thing, I really am perfect for breaking his face.

Don't say that! My inner voice said.

'Why are you showing such affection towards him?' I rolled my eyes at my inner voice.

It would be very bad to damage such a handsome face. She replied with an evil grin.

'Well, that's true. Okay, I'll leave the face.' I assured my inner voice.

She's not helping me a bit. She's grinning and doing all sort of other things. She's in her 'bitch mode' right now and I can't deactivate that mode.

Once something is trashed, just let it be in the trash. But my inner voice is keep taking out the thoughts back from the trash can and now they are crazier and messing more with my head.

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