Darcy Lewis Meets Mystic Falls

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"We have a problem

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"We have a problem." Damon sinks into the booth that Elena, Caroline, and Stefan are sharing down at Mystic Grill, he immediately downing the tumbler of amber liquid he had in hand. "Guess who I heard is coming to town?"

Elena's brows instantly pull together when she sees how distressed her boyfriend seems, Caroline rolls her eyes and continues popping fry after fry into her mouth, and Stefan casually sips his soda.

"Who?" Stefan finally asks when Damon doesn't budge.

"Katherine's little prodigy."

The younger Salvatore freezes when he realizes just who his brother is talking about and Elena tenses at the mention of Katherine.

"Uh, who?" Caroline frowns.

"Darcelyn Louise," Damon drawls. "Katherine's first vampire and the only person that manipulative little witch actually cared about," he says with a sneer. "She took to the vampire lifestyle just as Katherine did. Her death toll is just as high, her bitchiness can rival Katherine's, and she's trouble."

"Especially if she comes here and finds out we were the cause of her maker's death," Stefan finally says.

"Well, crap," Caroline sighs. "Can't we just have one day where we don't have to worry about the next villain coming to town?"


"Steve," Darcy groans. "How many times do I need to tell you? I don't need a bodyguard! I'm more than capable of taking care of myself."

"I know you are. We know you are," he chuckles and continues on his way onto the small jet Tony let Darcy borrow. "But from the intel we've gathered, they got four vampires, a witch, a werewolf that's known to pop up every now and then, and the town's Sheriff is the mother to one of the vampires. You need the backup even if it's just me." Darcy actually stomps her foot and plops down on the leather sofa, and Steve outright laughs at her pout. For being over five hundred years old, Darcy sure didn't act like it. "So such it up, sweetheart, and settle in. The ride shouldn't be too long."

She rolls her eyes, but concedes and relaxes against the sofa's cushions.

While coming clean to the Avengers about her blood-sucking tendencies was the last thing Darcy had wanted to do, she knew that this secret was better out in the open before she started cementing friendships with them. Jane and Thor had had her back from the very beginning, Darcy having come clean after Jane did well with all the weird Thor had brought with him. Although her secret hadn't been as easy to swallow as Thor's Asgardian title had been, Jane listened as Darcy came clean about her blood-soaked past and how she'd been on the straight and narrow for quite some time. And seeing the sincerity in her friend's eyes, Jane gave their friendship another try. Thor had just laughed and accepted Darcy for who and what she was.

The rest of the Avengers, however, took a little while longer to come around. Everyone had been wary when they found out about Darcy's little compulsion trick, but eased up some when she told them of vervain and that she could have some delivered from some of her old connections if it made them feel safer. And the more everyone saw how at ease Jane and Thor were around Darcy, the more everyone else started to come around.

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