Darcy Lewis Meets Fast and Furious

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Darcy's just gotten done furiously defending the Avengers via phone interview, slamming the receiver into the cradle with only an ounce of satisfaction when Tony saunters into her space

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Darcy's just gotten done furiously defending the Avengers via phone interview, slamming the receiver into the cradle with only an ounce of satisfaction when Tony saunters into her space. One of the perks of being a PR Manager was her swanky little office and office phone that she could slam the receiver down when annoyed instead of punching the 'end call' button on a touchscreen.

"One moment," she grumbles, holding up a finger in Tony's direction. She closes her eyes, pinches the bridge of her nose, and sighs out in annoyance. "I hate all these entitled assholes who believe you guys are at fault for all the damage done to the city. Like, I'm sorry, did you want the Avengers to just ignore the threat to the city? Do they not understand how much more damage there'd have been had the Avengers not taken care of it?"

In the seat he had taken while Darcy ranted, Tony rests his right ankle over his left knee and shrugs. "We're used to it. Damned if we do, damned if we don't, kid."

She sighs again. "I know." Then rolling her shoulders and finally meeting Tony's gaze, Darcy pastes on a smile. "What can I do for you, Mr. Stark?"

"Always the professional, Miss Lewis," he teases. Darcy rolls her eyes with a soft chuckle and Tony pulls up a tablet that had been sitting between his thigh and the side of the chair. "FRIDAY alerted me that you had a visitor downstairs. The person in question doesn't look like someone you'd associate with, so I thought I'd show you the security feed to make sure we don't have any unwanted visitors trying to get to you. It's the bald guy."

Tony passes Darcy the tablet and she takes it with a slight frown. Watching the black and white footage, Darcy squints her eyes at the male figure standing by the front desk. Clad in a leather jacket and jeans, Darcy gasps when he turns around and she finally sees his face. Not even the dark square aviator sunglasses can hide that once familiar mug, and the silver chain with a rather large cross hanging against his chest is a dead giveaway as well.

"Dom," she breathes in awe, smiling wide a moment later. Glancing up at Tony, her eyes sparkle. "It's Dom!"

The tablet clatters atop her desk and Darcy pushes her chair away from her station to jump to her feet. She rushes for her office door and disappears into the hallway, Tony only catching up in time to see her disappear behind the elevator doors. Inside the elevator, she's practically jumping from foot to foot in excitement.

Dominic Toretto was the older brother she never had, he having dated her adopted sister for years until they got married secretly with her as their one witness in the Dominican Republic. He had given Darcy her first car, taught her the ins and outs of fixing it up, and showed her the rules of the street. Letty had been happy to let her little sister tag along, especially when Darcy showed she could handle a car, and had no problem getting into fist fights over people who talked shit about Darcy just because she wouldn't give them the time of day.

But the last time Darcy had laid eyes on Dom in person was nearly seven years ago- the last time being after Letty's funeral since Dom was a wanted criminal and couldn't show his face during. He had followed Darcy back to her apartment and held her as she bawled over her lost sister, and then he took off in the early morning hours without a word. Afterwards, Darcy had thrown herself into her school work and took off for college on the other side of the country.

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