Darcy Lewis Meets Underworld

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Author's Note: Timelines are so screwed up, not even I know what year it is or how any of this is possible

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Author's Note: Timelines are so screwed up, not even I know what year it is or how any of this is possible. So shh! Just go with the flow.

For you Underworld fans, Darcy is "Eve" (Michael and Selene's daughter). She's all grown up now, having done hit that age where she won't age anymore.

Darcy's sitting in front of a bank of computers, in the safety of the quinjet as the Avengers raid the latest HYDRA compound. Fingers fly over the keys and keen eyes keep watch of the various camera views as she clicks through them to make sure there are no threats sneaking up on her friends. Nothing unusual pops up on screen, so Darcy gives her friends the go-ahead to continue.

"All clear from what I can see. Don't have too much fun."

"Copy that, little wolf," Clint says over comms. He and Natasha are two of the few who know of Darcy's secret, and two of the few who easily accepted her for what she was besides Jane and Thor. The nickname raised a few questions, but Clint had managed to throw everyone off by spinning a tale of drunken antics and drunken howling in the middle of the New Mexico desert at what Darcy thought were coyotes. No one questioned it, especially when Natasha added to their tale by changing Darcy's ringtone in her phone to a pack of howling wolves. "Stay safe out there. Don't lower the ramp for just anyone."

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry it up and get back here, Hawkass."

Bucky chuckles over comms and Darcy grins at making the man do so since he hasn't had much good in his life for quite some time. She's then busy paying attention and clicking through different camera views, eyeing some rather familiar claw marks marring the stone walls.

She had one particular reason- two, really- when joining the Avengers on these type of missions; one being so she can keep an eye on her new family and two being so she could continue searching for her parents. Clint and Natasha understood and gladly helped her when possible, but it's in this moment as she's distracted by the claw marks that she misses the visuals she's getting from the Avengers and the fact that they've found two running cryo-chambers.

"Aw, shit," Tony curses.

Darcy finally glances towards the bank of computers that are labeled for each Avenger seeing as they're wearing cameras so she has a visual feed from each one, and she glances first at Tony's feed. She sees the cryo-chambers, but it's Steve and Bucky's rigid forms that have her worried- Steve who looks rather gobsmacked and Bucky who looks livid with his rifle up and aimed. The reasons for these raids were to dismantle HYDRA once and for all, but to also help Bucky cope after everything HYDRA'S put him through by letting him let out his anger in destroying any chairs or chambers such as the ones he's staring at.

"Uh, guys?" Darcy says. "What's the hold up?" Because while the sight of the cryo-chambers is a little unsettling, Bucky's still frozen in place and not ripping the chambers apart like he usually does when he sets eyes on one.

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